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Hair transplant

In our society it is considered to be that the problem of the expressed baldness more affects men of advanced age, than women. However in recent years young men, as well as women began to ask for the help specialists even more often.Принцип и методы пересадки волос

Reasons of development of baldness

At men genetic predisposition is the main reason for development of baldness. Is well-known such fact that if at the grandfather on the maternal line or the father very much hair early began to drop out, then at their grandson or the son this problem will arise at earlier age. At women the considerable hair loss usually results from hormonal disturbances.

How to treat baldness?

If you already lost a considerable part of volume of the head of hear, then it will hardly be possible by conservative methods to cope with this problem. The majority of such methods, in particular and the most effective of them – a mesotherapy, are directed to prevention of a further hair loss and preservation of already remained volume.

Therefore in the started cases it is better not to waste time and money for inefficient treatment, and at once to ask for the qualified help doctors to transplantologists.

What is hair transplant?

The only way to considerably solve a problem of baldness and to return former splendor of the hairstyle is transplantation of hair. Operation on hair transplant allows to recover completely or to execute correction of indumentum in eyelashes, eyebrows and a pilar part of the head.

Hair transplant methods

Modern methods of operations on hair transplant represent the low-invasive interventions which are not demanding the general anesthesia and hospitalization of the patient.

For hair transplant hair follicles from the side and back surfaces of the head undertake. In these parts the hair loss is practically not observed. Donor material is taken away by means of special microsurgical instruments.

The donor material received for hair transplant is called grafty. It may contain various quantity of follicles. Depending on their quantity allocate:

  • Minigrafta (4 – 6 follicles);
  • Mikrografta (1 – 3 follicle).

The cost of operation on hair transplant depends on quantity of the graft replaced to the patient. In turn the quantity necessary for high-quality hair transplant of graft depends on the area of the center which needs to be closed of thickness of a core of a hair wished density of hair. For receiving graft the binocular microscopes allowing the doctor to take away with the maximum care material for change, to prevent possible damage of hair bulbs are used. Thanks to it practically all replaced follicles well get accustomed.

The zone, where directly replace hair, is called retsipiyentny. On it very small, microscopic cuts are carried out. Then edges of skin rise, and in the formed opening is implanted графт.

According to reviews, doctors manage to reach the best results at hair transplant when in the main part of future hair array implant minigrafta, and on indumentum border – mikrografta. In this case the patient receives not only a dense and beautiful head of hear, but also the natural line of growth of hair.

In recent years there was a new unique method of seamless hair transplant. Its advantages are:

  • Operation on hair transplant is carried out without implementation of skin cuts. As a result of it on head skin there is no hem left or traces from seams;
  • Repeated phases can be completed in 15 days. At a traditional method of hair transplant repeated operation is carried out not earlier than in a year;
  • The procedure for seamless hair transplant is performed by means of the special device which does not know feeling of fatigue and does not make the mistakes caused by "a human factor". Thanks to it the procedure undergoes several times quicker, and quality its performance at least 10 times more. До и после пересадки волос

Features of the procedure for seamless hair transplant

After usual transplantation of hair on head skin there are small hems. Therefore if the man carries further a short hairstyle, then he can remain the unsatisfied received result.

The hair transplant method on seamless technology is that in a donor zone by means of the special tool allocate everyone графт separately, and then by means of the same tool it is implanted in a retsipiyentny zone.

The tool for hair transplant on seamless technology has an appearance of very thin tubule which diameter precisely corresponds to diameter of a core of the replaced hair. Therefore operation happens without serious consequences and does not deliver to the patient of any unpleasant feelings. He during it can watch TV or read the favourite book. And the most important the fact that after it there is no scar left hems and a new head of hear looks absolutely naturally. Thus, seamless hair transplant, according to patients, gives the best results from the point of view of an esthetics.

But what method of hair transplant to use in each case is solved by the transplantologist taking into account character of hair, the place and the sizes of the area of defect and, of course, taking into account the patient's wishes.

Whether you know that:

In Great Britain there is a law according to which the surgeon can refuse to do to the patient operation if he smokes or has excess weight. The person has to refuse addictions, and then, perhaps, he will not need an operative measure.