Main > Diseases> Dandruff


Short description of a problem

Перхоть на волосахWell-known to us dandruff is no other than the grayish-white scales consisting of the died-off integument cells. On coverage and extent of distribution, dandruff advances all other skin diseases by the head, each person faces it at least once in life. In general, people are not inclined to pay to dead parts of skin too much attention, believing that, except esthetic unattractiveness, they do not bear any harm. Certainly, this opinion is wrong as dandruff which treatment drags on till the latest moment is the main reason for a bystry hair loss. If to speak absolutely simply, then the person at whom dandruff on the head is obviously visible and clothes is the patient needing complex treatment.

Well why after all some people have an intensive dying off of cells of an integument of the head? As we know, epidermis of healthy skin consists from more than 20 layers. Each of them is periodically updated by movement of cells to a surface and the subsequent peeling. This process takes about a month of pure time. At the sick person epidermis contains only 10-15 layers, that is process of updating of fabrics happens much quicker. Cell fission accelerates, but the elements which were not in time "to die" natural "death" stick together in scales which we then see on hair and clothes.

Reasons of emergence of dandruff

The factors directly or indirectly influencing acceleration of natural updating of fabrics, quite a lot. Let's list main of them:

  • carrying a headdress on wet hair;
  • abuse of a chemical wave and coloring of hair;
  • bare-headed stay in the sun or cold;
  • stresses and overfatigue;
  • hormonal disturbances;
  • improper feeding;
  • skin diseases.

If the person found in himself dandruff, national treatment, as well as traditional medical methods, has to be directed to normalization of a structure and functions of epidermis, and also to strengthening of immune system. And still – you do not hurry to apply remedies for dandruff without preliminary consultation with the specialist by the dermatologist. The matter is that very often bystry dying off of cells is confused to ordinary dryness of an integument of the head which among other causes a peeling. Certainly, approach to treatment in that and other case will be a miscellaneous therefore the doctor has to make the final diagnosis.

Dandruff – treatment of a disease

Dead scales of skin without problems are washed away practically by any shampoo, but you should not be under a delusion – in a couple of hours they will appear on all surface of the head again. It is necessary to pick up the special dandruff medicine having a stable, long-term effect for this reason. The intensive shampoos possessing medical influence, first of all, belong to such means. In most cases you will notice positive effect after 2-3 uses of similar shampoos, but the full course of treatment lasts about 2 months and it is very desirable to pass it up to the end.

If dandruff which treatment was carried out by means of shampoos continues to develop even after passing of a course, it is reasonable to use additional resources, for example, lotions. Also some national recipes will be effective:

  • very efficient dandruff medicine is a dry mustard which is applied on head skin in 15-20 minutes prior to washing. Previously mustard is dissolved with water to a consistence of dense sour cream;
  • boil a peel of 3-4 lemons in 1 liter of water for 15 minutes. The received broth is used weekly together with special shampoos;
  • crush 10-20 гр. burdock roots also you cook them in 200 ml. waters (1 glass) within 10-15 minutes. The received broth is filtered and settles 1-2 hours in the dry, cool place. It is necessary to rub it 2-3 times a week after washing of the head;
  • if at the person fat dandruff is observed, national treatment recommends to use rubbing in in head skin of spirit Tinctura Calendulae;
  • the dandruff caused by seborrhea effectively is eliminated by means of a nonsense. This powder can be bought in any drugstore. Part a nonsense in 3% solution of peroxide of hydrogen or boric acid (half a teaspoon on a glass of water), carefully mix mix and put it on the water bath for 25-30 minutes. As remedy for dandruff the nonsense is rubbed in a pilar part of the head hot. At the same time do not forget to put on gloves as mix can cause dryness of healthy skin. It is necessary to rub broth before emergence of notable burning, and to wash away in half an hour after the beginning of the procedure. The course of treatment contains 8 approaches (1 time of each 4-5 days). As a rule, when using a nonsense intensity of sebaceous secretion and an itch of an integument of the head considerably decreases.
Whether you know that:

In operating time our brain spends the amount of energy equal to the 10 Watts bulb. So the image of a bulb over the head at the time of emergence of an interesting thought is not so far from the truth.