Main > Drugs> Fir


The prices in Internet drugstores:

from 50 rub.

Useful properties of a fir

Пихта – хвойное дерево семейства СосновыеThe fir belongs to coniferous trees, meets in Eurasia, North, Central America.

In medicine official and national use oil and needles of a fir.

Oil in pharmaceutical industry is used more often for receiving camphor which treat an acute heart failure, rheumatism, remove an inflammation, stimulate a blood stream and breath at a lung fever, other infections.

Pure oil of a fir is used more often in traditional medicine: for treatment of neuralgia, a miositis, radiculitis, rheumatism, cold.

The needles of a fir help at arthritis, and tree pitch – good means for a stop of bleeding, healing of wounds.

Use of a fir

At arthritis for removal of joint pains do compresses of fir needles. For this purpose cook such means: 10 g of needles boil for half an hour in 0,5 glasses of water, filter, add boiled water instead of that that boiled away.

Эфирное масло пихты сибирскойFor treatment of a plexitis, radiculitis and other diseases of nervous peripheral system pound a waist or other sick sites fir oil - 5-10 drops. The result from treatment will be better if before each grinding to steam out in a hot bathroom or to warm up a sore point. It is usually enough to carry out 10-15 procedures.

For removal of a dentagra fir oil on cotton wool is put to tooth, held 10-20min from each party. The procedure through one and a half or can be repeated two hours.

The fir helps at diseases mucous a mouth, inflammations of gums – do applications with oil. Besides, periodontosis can be cured also by means of the broth on needles of a fir welded according to the recipe stated above. For treatment of companies rinse for 20-30 days two р / days. On one rinsing the glass of coniferous water leaves.

So use a fir for treatment of quinsy – apply with a pipette 1-2 drops of oil on the inflamed tonsils or grease with their tampon moistened in fir oil. Each 4-5 hours 2-3 days carry out processing of tonsils. If quinsy passed into a chronic form, except greasing of tonsils it is necessary to drip on 1-2 drops of oil of a fir in a nose.

At pneumonia, bronchitis inhalations with oil help.

Use of a fir at flu is effective: oil is rubbed in breast skin, a collar zone on spin 4-5 р / by days (everyone 5-6ch). After grinding the patient is recommended to drink broth with sudorific and antiinflammatory action and to sit in heat. Usually the state improves in a day.

Chronic cold can also be cured by means of a fir: 3-4 р / day it is necessary to grease and mass skin in Highmore's bosoms oil and to dig in at the same time on the 1st drop of oil fir in a nose.

For treatment of a severe cough before going to bed on a tip of language 2-3 drops of oil of a fir drip.

Apply water to treatment of a coloenteritis, colitis, infused on fir needles according to the recipe stated above. Drink at these diseases water on ½ glasses three р / day in 20 min. to food.

For treatment of stenocardia it is possible to rub in a breast, the pacifier oil 3-4 р / – 2-3 drops is lower day. Use of a fir at this disease is useful before the predicted magnetic storms and pressure differences causing usually an aggravation of symptoms.

For elimination of excessive sweating of legs for a week it is necessary to do trays of infusion of cones and needles of a fir which take equally. Prepare infusion so: 100 g of mix fill in with liter of boiled water, 25 min. insist.

At freezing injuries compresses from coniferous broth help: 50 g of needles are cooked in boiled water liter. Impose a compress on the affected site for 10 min. Fir decoction should be filtered.

The fir helps also at skin diseases, including eczema. Prepare for external use mix from fir oil from one of fats: goose, unsalted internal pork fat, badger fat or children's cream. Ratio of components of 30% and 70% respectively. Well 2-3 р / day to grease with such ointment sick sites on skin, from above to put paper for a compress and bandage. Treatment lasts 12-24 days.

Apply a fir and to treatment of skin diseases at children (an intertrigo, diathesis, decubituses). Prepare such mix: 40% of children's cream or vaseline of medical, 30% of Unguentum sulfuratum and 30% of oil fir.

Medical massage requires mix where only 5% of oil of fir and 95% - any of the specified fats.

It is necessary to store drugs from a fir, in particular, prepared on fir oil only in the dark place, well closed capacity: oil has property to decay on a sunlight and to be oxidized at contact with oxygen.

Fir contraindications

Use of a fir is contraindicated at hypersensitivity, during pregnancy.

During treatment by the means prepared on a fir and two more days after it, it is not recommended to take alcohol – it is noticed that it harmful affects therapeutic effect of drugs.

The prices in Internet drugstores:

Name of drug



Elfarm Fir эфирн.масло фл 10 ml, Dina + Ltd company

50 rub.

Сеть московских аптек ИФКNetwork of the Moscow drugstores of IFC

Oil Fir essential oil of 10 ml

51 rub.

Аптека вер.ру, ОООApteka вер.ру, LLC

Forest balm Bark of an oak and fir ml toothpaste 50

51 rub.

Аптека вер.ру, ОООApteka вер.ру, LLC

Forest balm Bark of an oak and fir ml toothpaste 75

60 rub.

Аптека вер.ру, ОООApteka вер.ру, LLC

Elfarm Fir косм.масло фл 30 ml, Dina + Ltd company

61 rub.

Сеть московских аптек ИФКNetwork of the Moscow drugstores of IFC

Forest balm ополаск. for a mouth an oak and a fir of 400 ml, the Guelder-rose (Yekaterinburg)

146 rub.

Сеть московских аптек ИФКNetwork of the Moscow drugstores of IFC

Oil Fir essential oil of 50 ml

189 rub.

Аптека вер.ру, ОООApteka вер.ру, LLC
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Many drugs initially moved ahead in the market as drugs. Heroin, for example, was initially brought to the market as children's cough medicine. And cocaine was recommended by doctors as anesthesia and as the means increasing endurance.