Main > Diagnostic methods> Pikfloumetriya


Процедура пикфлоуметрииPikfloumetriya (English Peak Flow) – a method of functional diagnosis for determination of peak volume speed of the forced exhalation. In other words this method helps to estimate with what speed of people air can exhale, and thus estimate extent of obstruction (narrowing) of respiratory tracts. Pikfloumetriya is very important for patients with bronchial asthma and a chronic obstructive pulmonary disease, she allows to estimate efficiency of the carried-out therapy.

For this method of a research there is a special device – пикфлоуметр which represents a compact tubule with the graduated scale. The modern device is convenient and simple in use, with its help the patient can independently control the state, calculate a dosage of the accepted drugs and warn a suffocation attack. Pikfloumetra happen both for adults, and for children. As a rule, children can use the device from 4-6 years.

The patient independently conducts a research twice a day, and enters all indicators of a pikfloumetriya in the schedule by means of which it is possible to understand better features of a course of bronchitis and asthma.

Carrying out pikfloumetriya

The procedure becomes in a sitting position (or standing). At first it is necessary to make several quiet breaths and exhalations then the deep breath is taken, the mouthpiece of a pikfloumetr is densely clasped with lips and the deep forced exhalation is made. At the same time it is necessary to discipline the device parallel to a floor surface. For each session it is required to make not less than 3 exhalations through some periods (2-3 min.) and to choose the maximum value.

Пикфлоуметр – прибор для проведения пикфлоуметрииPikfloumetriya is carried out not less than 2 times a day – in the evening and in the morning. In case of selection of new therapy it is necessary to make a research three times a day. All indicators of a pikfloumetriya register in the diary or are noted on special schedules (which are attached complete with the device).

Assessment of results of a pikfloumetriya

Norms of indicators of a pikfloumetriya are calculated individually for each patient, depending on his sex, age and growth. For children only the age is considered. At the beginning of use of this device within 3 weeks the individual chart with three color zones is formed. For this purpose the condition of the patient has to be stable – without bronkhoobstruktion signs. At achievement of the maximum result by it (which have to be brought closer to norm) it is multiplied by coefficient 0.8 – for example if the maximum indicator of a pikfloumetriya of 400 l/min, then 400 multiply on 0,8. We receive 320 l/min. Value of measurement above this indicator will belong to "a green zone" – that is to the normal level of passability of respiratory tracts. "The yellow zone" is the maximum indicator of a research increased by coefficient 0,5. That is 400 we multiply on 0,5 and we receive 200 ml/min. (it will be the lower bound of a yellow zone). In this case values from 200 l/min to 320 l/min will be borders of "a yellow zone". If the indicator of a pikfloumetriya is in this zone, then it means that correction of the carried-out therapy with participation of the attending physician is necessary. The indicator, less lower bound of "a yellow zone" belongs to "a red zone". If the defined value is in it, then it means that the patient has a serious respiratory insufficiency, and urgent intervention of the doctor is necessary. About an algorithm of actions of the patient at an indicator which is in "a red zone" it is necessary to consult with the attending physician in advance.

Thus, the pikfloumetriya allows to exercise control of a disease of a respiratory organs in house conditions, and it promotes reduction of volume of the used medicines. Use of system of zones allows to see timely approaching danger and to prevent the emergency hospitalization.

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In the aspiration to pull out the patient, doctors often go too far. So, for example, a certain Charles Janszen during the period from 1954 to 1994 endured more than 900 operations on removal of new growths.