Main > Drugs> Pyrilaxum


Слабительный препарат ПирилаксPyrilaxum – laxative and carminative means.

Pharmacological action

Bisacodyl which can irritate mucous a large intestine is a part of Pyrilaxum, to strengthen its peristaltics.

Action of Pyrilaxum develops in 6-8 hours after taking the medicine inside, and when using rectal candles – in 15 minutes.

Release form

Release rectal candles and the tablets Pyrilaxum.

Indications to use of Pyrilaxum

Medicine is effective at the chronic locks arising for various reasons, it is often used for purgation before carrying out operations or diagnostic procedures.

Besides, drug can be accepted in the states demanding defecation simplification – at anal fissures, a proctitis, hemorrhoids, etc.

Pyrilaxum route of administration

Пирилакс в таблеткахPyrilaxum is taken inside for half an hour before the first meal. To children after 14 l., the adult appoint to accept 5-15 mg of Pyrilaxum; to children of 2-7 l. – 5 mg; 8-14 l. – 5-10 mg.

Swallow of the tablets Pyrilaxum whole, to chew, or it is undesirable to crush them.

Candles are appointed in such dosages: to children of 2-7 l. – 5 mg; to children of 8-14 l. – 10 mg; to children after 14 l. – 10-20 mg.

For a preparation for surgery or to inspection of intestines it is recommended to accept in 10-20 mg of drug on the eve of the procedure, in the evening. In the morning, in day of carrying out inspection or operation, administer the drug rektalno - 10 mg.

Side effects of Pyrilaxum

Bisacodyl which is a part of Pyrilaxum can cause abdominal pains, digestive disturbances, an allergy.

At overdose of bisacodyl severe diarrhea which, in turn, can lead to dehydration, loss of electrolytes that is shown by emergence of spasms, muscular weakness can begin. Treatment at exceeding of the recommended doses of medicine and emergence of similar or other side effects carry out symptomatic. The address to the doctor at overdose is obligatory.


It is impossible to appoint Pyrilaxum according to the instruction the patient with the restrained hernia, a spastic lock, intestinal impassability, the aggravated hemorrhoids, acute inflammations of abdominal organs, and also at cystitis, existence of bleedings from a uterus and in a GIT.

Pyrilaxum is contraindicated to children about one year.

With care appoint medicine during feeding a breast, to pregnant women and patients with a renal or liver failure.

It is undesirable to appoint Pyrilaxum along with diuretics, karbenoksolony, holestiraminy, corticosteroids, tiatsidy, opiates, psychotropic and anticholinergic drugs, cardiac glycosides, antacid means as a part of which there is an aluminum.

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