Main > Human organs> Plusnevy bone

Plusnevy bone

Metatarsus – a part of foot between a tarsal bone and phalanxes of fingers. The metatarsus is formed by five tubular bones.

Плюсневая кость

Structure of a plusnevy bone

Each bone of a metatarsus has the basis of a wedge-shaped form, a body and a head. The second bone of a metatarsus the longest, and the first – the most massive and short. The first plusnevy bone is divided into two platforms. Both platforms of a plusnevy bone are adjoined by sesamoids. The structure of bones of a metatarsus is similar to a structure of metacarpal bones, however heads of plusnevy bones are squeezed from sides and narrowed.

The body of each bone of a metatarsus has three sides, and between sides there are free spaces – interosseous intervals. The joint surface bones of a metatarsus connect to tarsus bones.

At the fifth plusnevy bone the joint facer is located only on one its party (medial). Fifth bone of a metatarsus a little hilly. The sinew of a short fibular muscle is attached to a hilly part of the fifth bone.

The basis of the first bone of a metatarsus forms a joint with a medial wedge-shaped bone. The bases of the second and third bones of a metatarsus are connected to a lateral bone and to wedge-shaped bones. The fifth bone is connected to a cubical bone.

Plusnevy bones form the longitudinal and cross arches turned by the camber up with tarsus bones. The Plusnevy arch is placed around heads of bones of a metatarsus, and tarsal – in tarsal bones.

The arches of foot perform depreciation function when walking and during static loads, and also interfere with damage of fabrics and create conditions for a normal blood-groove.

Shift of a head of plusnevy bones

Proximal phalanxes of fingers and head of plusnevy bones form metatarsophalangeal joints. The joint capsule of a bone consists of the periblast presented by dense fibrous fabric and the inside layer formed by a synovial membrane.

Shift of a head of plusnevy bones leads to an inflammation and further injury of a joint, development of a capsulitis and synovitis. The increased head of bones of a metatarsus becomes covered by calloused skin. Pain in a joint – the main sign of shift of a head of bones of a metatarsus.

Treatment is selected taking into account extent of deformation of a head of plusnevy bones. At initial manifestations of deformation use of orthopedic devices is possible (insoles, interdigital laying, instep supports).

Flat-footedness and valgirovaniye of the first finger allow to eliminate a reconstructive method of an operative measure. Under local anesthesia fixing by metal spokes of the first bone of a metatarsus in the correct situation (a corrective osteotomy), a resection (removal) of the deformed head of a bone of a metatarsus ("cone") is carried out. After surgical intervention to the patient instep supports are attached to a foot.

Fracture of a plusnevy bone

Fractures of a plusnevy bone happen traumatic and stressful (fatigue). The traumatic change (without shift or with shift) can arise owing to a podvertyvaniye of foot or direct stroke. At a fracture of a plusnevy bone without shift fragments of bones keep the correct situation. At a change to shift there is a disturbance of anatomic provision of fragments.

The traumatic fracture of a bone of a metatarsus is shown in a characteristic crunch during an injury, pain in the field of a change, shortening of a finger or its deviation aside. In the field of a change bruise or hypostasis can develop.

Jones's change – one of kinds of fractures of bones of a metatarsus. This change is formed in the basis of the fifth bone of a metatarsus and characterized by failure of union or the slowed-down union. One of kinds of fractures of plusnevy bones is Jones's change. Often at Jones's change sprains make the wrong diagnosis.

Fatigue fracture of bones of a metatarsus – the imperceptible cracks arising because of deformation of foot, osteoporosis, pathological structure of a bone, long repeated loadings.

At a fatigue fracture of a plusnevy bone there is pain after or during loading, pain in the field of a change at a touch, swelled.

In the absence of treatment or at the wrong treatment of a fracture of bones of a metatarsus complications - arthrosis, deformations, failure of union of a fracture, chronic pains in foot can develop.

Treatment of a change depends on its localization, character, and also on existence of shift. Apply the following methods of treatment of a fracture of bones of a metatarsus:

  • The plaster immobilization - is applied at a fracture of bones of a metatarsus without shift;
  • Surgical intervention.

At a change compare bone fragments with shift, and then fix them implants.

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