The pneumoconiosis is a chronic disease of lungs which is caused by long inhalation of dust and harmful connections. In most cases treatment of a pneumoconiosis is necessary for the people working at harmful productions. Now doctors know 6 forms of a disease. Classification is based on degree of manifestation of pathological processes, their terms, features of development and a current, and also from character of the inhaled dust and concentration of harmful connections.
Sources of emergence of a pneumoconiosis – are extremely diverse, but most often the disease is shown at people whose profession is connected with breed drilling, pro-sowing, crushing, grind and processing of quartz, fibrous materials, granite. Prevention of a pneumoconiosis is necessary also for workers who are engaged in electric welding, cutting of metals, finishing of their surface. Finely divided dust which diameter of particles does not exceed 5 microns is most dangerous to the person.
Initial stages of a disease are followed by the following symptoms:
Body temperature of the person, as a rule, remains within norm, however, some types of a pneumoconiosis can be followed by temperature increase up to 38-40 degrees. At the same time patients also note bystry fatigue, weakness, sometimes sharp loss of weight.
In process of development of fibrous processes, the person has a respiratory insufficiency, dry and wet small-bubbling rattles, a pleural rub. At late stages urgent treatment of a pneumoconiosis as the increasing respiratory insufficiency can lead to a decompensation of a pulmonary heart that often is a cause of death of patients is necessary.
Medical and preventive actions include qualitative food with the high content of proteins and vitamins, the competent organization of rest, occupation active sports, respiratory gymnastics, refusal of smoking, hydrotherapeutic procedures.
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From medicamentous means various adaptogens are used. They have the all-stimulating properties, increase nonspecific reactions of an organism, promote bystry recovery of the damaged bodies. The most often sick appoint tincture of an eleuterokokk, Pantocrinum, niacin, vitamins of the B, C and P groups.
If at the patient pronounced pulmonary insufficiency is not observed, are recommended to him: chloride potassium, an ionophoresis with novocaine and ultrasound on a thorax. All these procedures stimulate krovo-and a lymphokinesis, considerably improve ventilating function of lungs. At emergence and development of bronchitis to the patient in addition appoint the expectorants and drugs liquefying a phlegm (a marsh-mallow root, a thermopsis, iodine drugs).
Patients with a heavy stage of a disease are transferred to a stationary or sanatorium therapy of a pneumoconiosis. The greatest distribution was gained by such techniques as hyperbaric oxygenation and inhalations of oxygen. Bronchodilatory means and drugs which reduce pressure in a small circle of blood circulation (Reserpinum, a papaverine, an Euphyllinum) are effective. At a decompensation of a pulmonary heart the patient appoint diuretic means and cardiac glycosides. Also corticosteroids are quite widely used.
Forecasts of treatment and recovery depend on a stage of a pneumoconiosis and those complications which quite often arise in development of a disease. Forecasts at such forms as a silicosis, a berylliosis and asbestosis when progressing of a disease continues even after the termination of contacts with harmful connections are adverse. Other forms are characterized by a high-quality current and favorable forecasts.
Basis of preventive actions is decrease in level of dust content in workplaces, use of individual means of protection of a respiratory organs from dust and periodic medical examinations. The condition of a mucous membrane of bronchial tubes and lungs can be improved by means of salt and alkaline solutions, mineral water or heatwet alkaline inhalations. Prevention of a pneumoconiosis also includes regular observation of personnel of the enterprises and carrying out large picture frame fluorography. In total all these actions allow to find a disease in time and to take the measures preventing its further distribution.
The most rare disease – a disease the Kura. Only representatives of the tribe Faure in New Guinea are ill it. The patient dies of laughter. It is considered that eating of a human brain is an origin of a disease.
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