a href="javascript:if(confirm(%27www.medicalmed.de/images/stories2/zabolevanija/pochechnaja-nedostatochnost-1.jpg \n\nThis file was not retrieved by Teleport Pro, because it is linked too far away from its Starting Address. If you increase the in-domain depth setting for the Starting Address, this file will be queued for retrieval. \n\nDo you want to open it from the server?%27))window.location=%27www.medicalmed.de/images/stories2/zabolevanija/pochechnaja-nedostatochnost-1.jpg%27" tppabs="www.medicalmed.de/images/stories2/zabolevanija/pochechnaja-nedostatochnost-1.jpg" rel="lytebox">The functional unit of a kidney is a nephron which consists of a set of capillary balls. There are urine filtering processes. And processes of the return absorption for the purpose of the subsequent removal happen in tubules. In each kidney of the person there are about one million nephrons. When 90% of nephrons fail, the renal failure at which kidneys do not cope with usual loading begins.
In system of a blood-groove of an organism of a kidney are bodies peripheral. At any stressful situations there is a blood circulation centralization. First of all, oxygen and nutrients supply vitals: heart – a brain – lungs. Despite importance of functions of kidneys, they appear "behind a board" and receive blood in the minimum quantity. Therefore kidneys are considered as "shock bodies".
Practically any prolonged stressful situation anyway affects work of an urinary system. The renal failure has the following reasons:
At blood circulation centralization renal nephrons "are switched off" from the general blood-groove, and blood passes on the opened reserve capillaries, passing a filtering stage. At diseases of kidneys capillaries of renal balls collapse owing to what the acute renal failure which symptoms consist in the main function of bodies – secretory develops.
When this or that body is surprised, all symptoms specify not insufficiency, or lack of its functions. As kidneys bring the substances neutralized by a liver when the acute renal failure develops out of blood, all metabolites continue to circulate in blood on all organism, including a brain. It is affected by specific toxins, first of all, ketonic bodies. At the patient disorders of consciousness are noted: from a stupor to a coma. The mood changes: or there is euphoria, or – a depression. There is no appetite, but there is vomiting which does not give any relief. As compensatory reaction, appears diarrhea – excessive liquid is removed through digestive tract. There are system hypostases which differ from cordial in rapid increase – literally in several hours.
The acute renal failure, first of all, is shown by the main, cardinal symptoms:
At an oliguria release of urine makes less than 400 ml a day. At an anury 50 ml in 24 hours are allocated.
At acute insufficiency of functions of kidneys distinguish three consecutive stages:
In an initial stage of display of a disease have causal character. If it is shock or poisoning, first of all symptoms of shock or intoxication are noted. The general symptoms of weakness do not indicate directly that the renal failure which treatment most often is not carried out to this period develops.
At an oliguria there is a pronounced picture of a disease therefore emergency measures are taken. The drugs improving blood supply of kidneys are used. The volume of the circulating blood is filled. Fight against hypostases is carried out: infusions of saline and proteinaceous solutions. Diuretics at the second phase are not used. Stimulation of an urination has no pathogenetic justifications as diuretic drugs do not improve blood supply of nephrons.
The recovery stage is characterized by a polyuria. The increased amount of urine demonstrates that filtrational function of kidneys works. The renal failure stops, therefore, digestive, respiratory and motive systems are returned to norm. If the person was in a coma, consciousness to it is returned. During this period the therapeutic events directed to liquid loss completion are held.
Recovery of work of kidneys depends on influence of the striking factor. Treatment of a final stage of a renal failure is carried out to out-patient clinics, under control of indicators of analyses of urine.
At children the disease proceeds more promptly, than at adults. It is connected with anatomo-physiological features and the reasons for which the renal failure at children of different age develops:
a href="javascript:if(confirm(%27www.medicalmed.de/images/stories2/zabolevanija/pochechnaja-nedostatochnost-2.jpg \n\nThis file was not retrieved by Teleport Pro, because it is linked too far away from its Starting Address. If you increase the in-domain depth setting for the Starting Address, this file will be queued for retrieval. \n\nDo you want to open it from the server?%27))window.location=%27www.medicalmed.de/images/stories2/zabolevanija/pochechnaja-nedostatochnost-2.jpg%27" tppabs="www.medicalmed.de/images/stories2/zabolevanija/pochechnaja-nedostatochnost-2.jpg" rel="lytebox">Treatment depends on a cause of illness, but all procedures are made as well as for adults. Only dosages of medicines change.
At a chronic current the renal failure is shown not only dysuric frustration, and disturbances of all functions of kidneys are noted:
As a rule, the chronic renal failure, treatment forces to pass constantly, in department of a hemodialysis.
During life the average person develops neither more nor less two big pools of saliva.
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