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Vulvar lips

Big vulvar lips

Big vulvar lips represent two folds of skin located on each side a sexual crack.Женские половые органы. Большие и малые половые губы

Their main function is mechanical protection of a vagina against negative environmental factors, and also maintenance of necessary temperature in female generative organs. Owing to this fact they contain a set of lipoblasts, and from the beginning of puberty from the outer side hair begin to grow that also promotes maintenance of necessary temperature condition.

Big vulvar lips contain a few nerve terminations therefore they are not an erogenous zone. In their thickness are located: fatty tissue, gland bartolinova, veniplexes.

Often skin on them is pigmented and on a shade differs from other skin of a body. At many girls they are not great by the size, sometimes there are even less rather large small vulvar lips. It belongs to specific features of the person and is not an aberration.

It is very important to observe personal hygiene as sweat and sebaceous glands have feature to inflame owing to what there are cysts of sebaceous glands or furuncles hair a follicle.

Small vulvar lips

Small vulvar lips are a part of a vulva (outside generative women's organs) and represent two skin folds located under big vulvar lips in the longitudinal direction. The same color, as well as an internal surface of big have small lips. At girls they often bright pink color, their free edges quite often act through a sexual crack.

The basis of small lips is separated from big by an interlip groove. In front each small lip has two legs – internal and outside. Internal legs of lips connect among themselves and from the back party fasten to a clitoris head, forming a clitoris bridle. And outside legs connect from the clitoris back, forming a clitoris prepuce from its upper surface.

Vulvar lips at pregnancy

During pregnancy vulvar lips change. It is normal and natural process. It is connected with change of a hormonal background of an organism. Significantly blood circulation in bodies of a small pelvis therefore vulvar lips at pregnancy increase in a size increases.

Approximately in a week after conception they bulk up, become elastic and juicy that often causes in them a varicosity. In addition to veins, on them often jump out various consolidations.

As a rule, all these signs completely disappear even before childbirth.Воспаление большой половой губы

At what diseases there are a burning and an itch of vulvar lips?

Burning is frequent, pain and an itch of vulvar lips can be any symptoms of infections:

  • Trichomoniasis – the venereal disease which is shown owing to activity of a vulval trichomonad. Often yellowish allocations with an unpleasant smell in this case are added to the above described symptoms.
  • Candidiasis – a disease of a mucous membrane of generative organs which arises under the influence of drozhzhepodobny mushrooms of Candida.
  • Bacterial vaginosis – vagina dysbacteriosis. This disease quite often arises at frequent change of sexual partners, and also when using condoms, prolonged use of antibiotics and contraceptive tablets as a part of which is present 9-nonoksinol.
  • Vulvovaginitis – the inflammatory disease of vulvar lips which is often arising at non-compliance with personal hygiene.

Lack of immediate treatment of these diseases can lead to development of complications among which as well female infertility. Therefore in the presence of burning, pain and an itch in vulvar lips it is recommended to address the gynecologist.

Heat-spots on vulvar lips

Often spots on vulvar lips are a consequence of non-compliance with rules of personal hygiene. In this case it is necessary to watch that there was no infection, as if the fatty tumor inflames, then it will be possible to remove it only in the surgical way.

On vulvar lips there can be hypodermic hillocks which are jumping out because of development disturbance by an organism of protective cells that is owing to decrease in immunity of the vulval sphere.

Painful red spots jump out under the influence of the following factors:

  • Frequent stress and constant sleep debt. It leads to disturbance of a nervous system of an organism because of what jump out spots.
  • Endocrine diseases, disturbances of a hormonal background.

At emergence of big red heat-spots on vulvar lips it will be better to see a doctor.

Whether you know that:

Caries is the most widespread infectious disease in the world to which even flu cannot compete.