Main > Medical specialties> Psychotherapist


The psychotherapist – the specialist whose treatment consists in holding various trainings, conversations which can take place both with one patient, and in special groups. Participants of such groups, as a rule, are selected individually.

Психотерапевт – специалист, который занимается лечением заболеваний психики

The psychotherapist gives specialized help by preferential not pharmacological methods. In other words, the psychotherapist owns one of the directions of psychotherapy.

Both mentally healthy people, and patients with "borderline case", that is, being able on the verge of nervous diseases (a depression, neurosis, etc.) can come to reception to the psychotherapist. On consultation the psychotherapist uses special psychotechnics which purpose is assistance to the patient and the solution of its problems.

What diseases are in competence of the psychotherapist?

According to reviews the psychotherapist can treat such diseases as sleeplessness, bulimia, psychoses, anorexia, neurosis, phobias and fears, alcoholism, schizophrenia, a depression, the panic attacks, Alzheimer's disease.

When it is necessary to register in reception to the psychotherapist?

You need consultation of the psychotherapist if you suffer from not clear fears, alarm, disturbance of appetite, a depression, sleeplessness and neurotic frustration.

If you suffer from megalgias, a physical indisposition and corporal discomfort, consultation of the psychotherapist will also not prevent.

The psychotherapist will be able to help you if in the nearest future you endured a severe stress or a grief, and effects of the endured experiences negatively affect your mental and physical state.

According to psychotherapists, various stresses and stressful situations are the cornerstone of many diseases. So, small stresses which the person has every day gradually collect and develop into the internal unconscious conflict which can easily pass into a physical indisposition.

The family psychotherapist can give help to spouses who are not able to allow independently the disagreements and problems.

You need the help of the psychotherapist if you feel discontent from that life which you lead and try to improve it. Or you aim to resemble someone, and feel dissatisfaction because you do not manage it.

What main types of diagnoses are carried out by the psychotherapist?

For the purpose of specification of the diagnosis the psychotherapist on reception can ask you to make an ECG, a research of visual acuity and an eyeground, ultrasonography of kidneys, a liver, a spleen, a pancreas, ultrasonic doppler sonography of cervical arteries, an electroencephalography, transcranial doppler sonography of intracranial vessels.

According to reviews, psychotherapists carry out only tool methods of researches.

Councils of the psychotherapist

The easiest way to relax and remove stress – a relaxation. The alternate tension and relaxation of muscular groups and muscles with the purpose to reach a condition of a trance is its cornerstone.

When training a relaxation an important point is the strong muscle tension and their full relaxation. If regularly to train (at least every other day) that about a month later it is already possible to master initial skills of a relaxation which will help to overcome stressful situations, will remove sensation of fear and alarms, will save from concern and tension.

It is possible to be engaged in a relaxation in any time, convenient for you, but it is desirable that at this moment nobody distracted you. There is a set of techniques of a relaxation and it is possible to choose the most convenient for you. Remember that all diseases - from nerves!

Whether you know that:

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