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Wheat grass

In the people the wheat grass is called dog tooth or an Agropyron. ПырейIt belongs to family of cereals. Bloomers can reach height more than a meter. They form heavy continuous beds. The grass has dark green flat and linear leaves, and flowers at it quite simple – similar to florets of other plants belonging to family of cereals. Flowers on 4-7 pieces in small cones which form apical long ears which length can reach 15 cm are collected.

The fruit of a wheat grass is a weevil who is similar on wheat, to 0,5 cm in length.

The blooming period falls on May-June, and the plant in July-September fructifies.

The grass is widespread on all Asia and Europe, excepting the dark and deserts. Well grows on edges and forest glades, but often occupies fields, gardens, kitchen gardens, deposits and meadows.

The ancient Latin name of a wheat grass is translated into Russian as "fire of fields creeping". Emergence of a grass on fields on natural disaster is compared to the fire. By the way, in normal conditions plant seeds practically do not develop. And seeds to it to anything as the grass very quickly extends in the vegetative way of reproduction. The rhizome at a wheat grass – underground and branched, has a large number of kidneys.

Raw materials preparation

It is the best of all to prepare wheat grass rhizomes at spring or autumn redigging of the site as at this particular time the plant contains the maximum quantity of active ingredients.

The dug-out roots need to be shaken off the soil and to clear of leaves and stalks. Dry a grass, having spread out a thin layer. At hot and dry weather it is allowed to dry a plant directly in the sun. Dry-through rhizomes it is necessary to pile, and then very carefully to grind manually (it looks approximately as wash clothes or knead dough). At preparation of raw materials of a wheat grass it is necessary to remove all small roots, the remains of leaves and the soil from a big rhizome.

Rhizomes are stored in well closed banks as well as any other carbohydrate raw materials. By the way, the plant is very easily damaged by any wreckers, such as weevils, mol or hrushchak. The period of validity of correctly prepared raw materials makes 2-3 years.

Use of a wheat grass

The rhizome of a plant contains salts of malic acid, a squirrel, mineral salts, mucous substances, fat oil, a saponin, ascorbic acid, carotene, essential oil, carbohydrates (levuloses, a mannitol and тритицин), glucovanillin and агропилен.

Properties of a wheat grass are rather widely applied in medicine. It is noted that the plant is harmful, but at the correct use it can bring big benefit. In many countries the grass is considered good pharmacopoeian raw materials. Treatment by a wheat grass is made at disbolism. The grass is considered sudorific, regulating a salt metabolism, laxative, diuretic and an expectorant.

Except medicinal properties, the wheat grass, more precisely its rhizome, has considerable nutrition value. Especially useful rhizomes were in lean years, then crushed them in flour, dried and baked bread. The rhizomes which are also cleared of the earth perfectly will be suitable as raw materials for a livestock

The wheat grass contains the mass of useful substances, such as fructose, silicon acid (it is used for strengthening of vessels of circulatory system), proteic matters and polysaccharides. Treatment by a wheat grass is made at rheumatism, cystitis, urolithic and cholelithic diseases, gastritis, hemorrhoids, diathesis, bronchitis, pneumonia, hepatitis, a diabetes mellitus.

To prepare wheat grass infusion, it is necessary to fill in 400 ml of cold water of 10 g of raw materials, and then to infuse this mix within 12 hours in the dark place. The received infusion needs to be filtered, filled in roots with one more glass of boiled water and to leave for an hour. Two mixes to connect, accept infusion on a half-glass three times a day.

It is reasonable to prepare juice of a wheat grass in the fall. Сок пырея рекомендован при бронхитеIt has to be wrung out from the scalded and washed out rhizomes. That it was easier to wring out, it is possible to scroll initially roots via the meat grinder. The wrung-out juice needs to be mixed in equal shares with water and to boil a couple of minutes. Recommend to accept on a half-glass three times a day before food. Treatment by a wheat grass in the form of juice is made and at gallstones, juice from leaves and stalks of a plant will approach only here.

Properties of a wheat grass will be useful and at a chronic furunculosis. For this purpose it is necessary to fill in with liter of boiled water of 8 tablespoons of the crushed and dried up roots. To infuse mix 3 hours, and to accept within 3-4 weeks on 3 glasses a day.

In the form of enemas plant broth at chronic locks can be applied. Also it can be added to bathtubs for treatment of a scrofula and many other skin diseases.

Harm of a wheat grass

The wheat grass does harm only to gardeners as is weed culture which very quickly extends.

Whether you know that:

Average life expectancy of lefthanders is less, than right-handed persons.