Main > Diseases> Lip cancer

Lip cancer

Short characteristic of a disease

Симптомы рака губы

Lip cancer, also as well as many other malignant new growths, is a consequence of other disease, usually long time being in a chronic form.

Cancer of a lip proceeds from a multilayer flat epithelium of a red border of lips, and, most often, an under lip (more than 90% of cases). Lip cancer meets at villagers more often and at people 60 years, especially at heavy smokers are more senior.

Lip cancer reasons

As it was told above, residents of villages are subject to a disease of cancer of a lip, and it is not accidental. Long stay in the sun – one of lip cancer origins. Mechanical injuries of lips, influence of high temperatures and carcinogens, chronic inflammatory processes also concern to them. However on the first place it is possible to put safely the whole three reasons of cancer of lip: smoking, consumption nasvy and an alcohol abuse – all of them are "triggers" in development of cancer of lip, and also cancer of language and an oral cavity.

Lip cancer symptoms

First of all mental lymph nodes react to emergence of "enemy" cells, inflaming and becoming mobile. They can be noticed easily, feeling a mandible. Further on a surface of an under lip there is a swelling which slightly itches and has a dense consistence. Even if you will have these symptoms of cancer of lip, most likely you do not pay attention to it and take for cold. At this time in the center of a swelling the sore with valikoobrazny edge having indistinct borders was already formed. In the center of this sore – the crust which is painless in itself, but during removal can cause pain. If to remove this crust, then it is possible to see the bleeding basis formed by hillocks.

Symptoms of cancer of lip can be not noticed at an initial stage, but further they will have an effect. The tumor can develop slowly, in some cases this process can proceed within several years. Soon around it infiltrate – accumulation of cancer cells with blood impurity appears. It is also possible to notice that lymph nodes were considerably condensed, and the lip became less mobile and as if grew together with a jaw and in a similar state it becomes simply difficult for person to eat. Then there is a small deformation of a lip, there is an uncontrollable expiration of saliva. Gradually fabric of a tumor breaks up, and against the background of the broken food the cachexia (organism exhaustion) develops. Metastasises of a tumor can extend to lymph nodes which begin to turn afterwards into infiltrates. Metastasises can also affect bones, thereby destroying a jaw.

Cancer therapy of a lip

Cancer of an under lip will respond to successful treatment, and to that there is a confirmation: full treatment of cancer of lip at the 4th degree – 55%, and at the 1st and 2nd – the whole 98%! Cancer therapy of a lip depends on prevalence and a stage of a tumor, and also on age of the patient and existence at it other diseases.

The surgical method of cancer therapy of a lip is applied if the tumor sprouted deeply in fabric of a mouth floor or in a mandible. Difficult operation at which partially/completely delete a mandible or a mouth floor is performed. Such operation is performed only if the tumor of cancer of lip is localized, i.e. is not extended to other bodies.

Often apply a beam method which essence consists in carrying out a short-focus roentgenotherapy or gamma therapy. It is necessary to tell that this method of cancer therapy of a lip is unsafe and can cause such side effects as: hair loss, bystry fatigue, face skin burn, dryness and peeling of skin.

Cryogenic way or cancer therapy of a lip cold also perhaps, but at the first stage when there are no metastasises (or they are single). This method is good the fact that it is absolutely safe for elderly people.

The chemotherapy is, as a rule, used at cancer therapy of a lip at the 4th stage. As a rule, the polychemotherapy in combination with radiation therapy, is applied to the most effective suppression life activity of cancer cells, and also preventions of development of metastasises (the secondary pathological centers of a tumor).

The combination of two ways - a gamma therapy and a surgical oncotomy is extremely effective.

Prevention of cancer of lip

Prevention of cancer of lip is simple and is as follows:

  1. The annual medical examination helping to reveal lip cancer (and not only) at early stages;
  2. Timely treatment of wounds, cracks on the lips capable to provoke a tumor;
  3. Avoiding of direct sunshine and use of sunblock creams;
  4. Respect for hygiene of all oral cavity.

Remember that lip cancer from smoking and chewing of tobacco arises most often therefore refuse this addiction bringing sufferings to you and your relatives.

Whether you know that:

The first vibrator was invented in the 19th century. It worked at the steam engine and intended for treatment of female hysteria.