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Thistle for weight loss

The thistle is a medicinal plant which is used as folk remedy at diseases of a gall bladder and liver. According to the conducted modern scientific research it was found out that in addition to treatment of diseases, the thistle and for weight loss is effective.

Advantage of a thistle for weight loss

Помимо лечения заболеваний, эффективна расторопша и для похудения.The thistle is very useful to a liver, protects it from toxins and increases its functionality. The plant recovers and stimulates regeneration of new cells of a liver. Also the thistle promotes removal of bile from an organism and is fine prevention from formation of gallstones.

According to reviews, the thistle for weight loss only indirectly influences weight reduction processes. So, oil of a thistle will affect very positively weight loss only if fats are excluded from a diet and the caloric content of a daily diet is significantly limited. Only in this case use of a thistle for weight loss will compensate imbalance of a diet and to support a metabolism at the required level.

If in a food allowance of the person the dose of fats makes more than 60 g a day, then, according to reviews, the thistle for weight loss will be inefficient. Why? The matter is that the thistle is well acquired by an organism and increases energy value of all food.

It is known also that the thistle has the expressed laxative effect that with ease helps to get rid of several kilograms in a month. So, one of ancient recipes against locks is the glass of water and oil of a thistle.

The advantage of a thistle for weight loss is connected also with the fact that using plant broth before food, is dampened ardor. And still quite specific taste of a plant changes sensitivity of flavoring receptors for some time that significantly reduces the expected pleasure from meal.

From all aforesaid it is possible to draw a conclusion that the thistle is quite effective remedy for weight loss, but you should not perceive it as a panacea, and to use only as supportive application.

Use of a thistle for weight loss

For definition of an optimum dosage it is recommended to consult with the qualified specialist. The thistle for weight loss gained the greatest distribution in a type of dry extract. It becomes as follows: seeds of a thistle are crushed in the blender. The recommended dosage of the received powder for adults makes 280-450 mg, divided into several receptions. It is more preferable to accept a thistle on 1 teaspoon before each meal, washing down with a small amount of warm water.

Популярно применение расторопши для похудения в виде масла.Use of a thistle for weight loss in the form of oil is quite popular. As well as other types of vegetable oils, oil of a thistle contains useful fats at which use also the lipometabolism in a human body is adjusted proteinaceous. Thistle oil use positively influences a condition of a hormonal background of the person. Besides, it contains vitamins A, E, F and K, and also selenium – the microelement promoting metabolism acceleration. Recommend such reception of oil of a thistle: on 1 dessertspoon in 30 minutes prior to a breakfast. Oil should not be added to food as it has specific taste. Just it is better to wash down it with a glass of water.

Also apply a thistle in the form of broth. For this purpose it is necessary to fill in 30 g of the dried and crushed seeds of plants with 0,5 l of water and to boil on slow fire until a half of liquid does not evaporate. Then it is necessary to infuse liquid 10 minutes. Accept ready broth each hour on a tablespoon.

Thistle for weight loss: contraindications and cautions

Use of a thistle can cause a number of soft side effects among which: abdominal distention, gastric disturbance, various skin reactions, headache.

Contraindication to a thistle for weight loss is the period of pregnancy and breastfeeding, oncological diseases. It is not necessary to use a thistle at a concomitant use of drugs for fluidifying of blood, antiallergic means, neuroleptics and anticarcinogenic drugs.

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