People grow up turnip since ancient times. The prescription of the first references of turnip exceeds six thousand years. In Ancient Greece it was considered as food of poor people, and here residents of Ancient Rome thought differently, and cooked from turnip refined foods for aristocrats.
In Europe and Russia throughout many centuries grew up turnip as a key product of food in winter months. Actually turnip began to fade into the background only when from North America potatoes which gradually took away from it a role of the main vegetable were brought.
Wide circulation and the food importance of turnip in Russia found the reflection in culture and customs of Slavs. It was used in rituals of exile of evil spirit from houses and for an otvazhivaniye of persuasive grooms.
Turnip was widely adopted for several reasons. First, it is rich with nutrients, vitamins and microelements which in many respects define advantage of turnip. Secondly, turnip is extremely unpretentious to the habitat and soil, well transfers frosts and differences of humidity. Thanks to these properties in a midland of Russia it is possible to reap two crops of turnip a year.
The main advantage of turnip for health consists in its exclusive wealth vitamin C which helped to prevent successfully throughout the millennia a scurvy to many people. The risk of a scurvy was especially high in the spring when the reserve of vitamins B an organism sharply decreased. The people which grew up this vegetable perfectly knew about this useful property of turnip.
Other important property of turnip – the high content of calcium. Calcium is especially necessary for the growing organism, prevents development of rickets at children. At more mature people calcium promotes fast healing of changes, preservation of health of teeth and improvement of exchange processes.
Considering that the composition of turnip far is not limited to these vitamins and microelements, it is possible to understand why history of cultivation of this vegetable is so long. Sulfur, phosphorus, iron, magnesium, potassium, group B vitamins, PP and A vitamin helped and help to struggle with various diseases and to support good health and health.
The fact that turnip contains глюкорафанин which has antibacterial effect is also important, and also helps to warn oncological diseases.
Turnip promotes clarification of digestive tract, is suitable for food of the people having diabetes. In traditional medicine fresh juice of turnip is used as an expectorant. Also it has diuretic properties and is soft laxative.
Caloric content of turnip makes 32 kcal on 100 g of a product. Low caloric content of turnip promotes weight reduction, and also is effectively applied as a part of clinical nutrition at obesity.
Turnip dishes prepare very simply. Not for nothing there is an expression: "It is simpler than the soared turnip".
Really, turnip can be steamed, fried or added to salads in the raw. At addition in salads it is recommended to grate turnip to make the prepared dish softer. Crude turnip has specific bitterish taste which is pleasant not to all. For its elimination before preparation advise to scald fresh vegetable boiled water.
The turnip stuffed with millet cereal and also the turnip fried on vegetable oil is among traditional Russian recipes. Considering that turnip is perfectly combined with various additives, the big scope for the imagination of the culinary specialist allowing to diversify a daily table unfairly with the forgotten vegetable and dishes on its basis opens.
The weight of a human brain makes about 2% of all body weight, however it consumes about 20% of the oxygen coming to blood. This fact does a human brain extremely susceptible to the damages caused by shortage of oxygen.
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