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Camomile medicinal

Ромашка лекарственнаяCamomile medicinal – the annual plant belonging to Astrov' family (or the Thistle family).

Description of a camomile medicinal

The stalk in height reaches 40 cm. Leaves at a plant sedentary, dissect on narrow shares. Inflorescences are odinochno located on the ends of stalks. Blossoms from May to July. During blossoming has pleasant aroma.

In a wild look the plant meets in a midland and in the south of Europe. Grows on waste grounds and fields, on edges, slopes and roadsides of roads. As a medicinal plant it is cultivated on plantations.

In the medicinal purposes plant flowers are used.

Use history

In the medical purposes the plant was used at the time of Ancient Rome and Greece.

The description of a camomile medicinal can be found in fundamental work of the Roman scientist Pliny the Elder "Natural history". He called this plant of chamaemellon (in translation from the Greek chamai means "low", and mellon - "Yabloko").

And the widespread Russian name of a plant "camomile" is borrowed from Polish and comes from the word romana that from Latin it is translated as "Roman".

Chemical composition

Plant richly various biologically active agents. Inflorescences contain a small amount of essential oils (0,2-0,8%) as a part of which it is possible to find seksviterpena (myrcene, фарнезен), and-bisabol, хамазулен, кадинен, isovalerianic, nonyl and caprylic acids.

Also inflorescences of an officinal camomile contain sugar, phytosterols, flavonoids (патулетин, апигенин, хризоспленин, хризоэриол and their glycosides), proteic matters, лютеолин, космосиин, кверцимеритин, gum, pectins, tannic and mucous substances, coumarins, metoksilirovanny derivatives, triterpenovy alcohols, sincaline, beta carotene and other vitamins, ascorbic, salicylic and nicotinic acids, and a set of other useful connections.

Use of a camomile medicinal in traditional medicine

In the medical sphere the camomile medicinal is one of the most demanded plants. For treatment use extracts and infusions of flower baskets of a plant, and also essential oil.

The camomile medicinal as the styptic, anti-inflammatory, sedative, soothing, knitting, weak antibacterial, spasmolytic and cholagogue drug found application. Infusions, teas and plant decoctions accept at sleeplessness, diarrhea, a meteorism, diseases of bilious ways and a liver, enterospasms and as sudorific. Plant extracts positively influence the central nervous system, stimulate secretory function of bile and a gastric juice.

Use of a camomile medicinal in official medicine

In official medicine drugs on the basis of a plant use at diseases of a liver and digestive tract, at irritation of a mucous throat and an oral cavity, and also at inflammatory diseases of upper respiratory tracts.

In pharmaceutical industry make medicines among which there is grass collecting, рекутан, Romasulonum, ротокан and others of inflorescences of an officinal camomile.Ромазулан - препарат из соцветий ромашки лекарственной

Essential oil of a camomile has the sudorific, disinfecting and calming effect, kills pains, reduces gas generation, normalizes digestion functions, weakens inflammatory processes in an organism.

Camomile medicinal: use in cosmetology

In the cosmetic industry the plant is widely applied at production of children's care products (lotions, soap, oils and cream). It is a part of shampoos, suntan preparations, balms, lipsticks, toothpastes.

Infusion of an officinal camomile – means, known in the people, for giving to a fair hair of gloss, and plant decoctions do skin gentle, soft and velvety. Plant extracts render the moistening, wound healing, antiinflammatory, softening and antiallergic action on skin.

Camomile medicinal: description of contraindications

Use of medicines on the basis of a plant is contraindicated at pregnancy. And essential oil of a camomile in big dosages can cause headaches and the general weakness.

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