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Ugly face

Short characteristic of a disease

Заболевание рожа на лице ребенка

Ugly face – the disease of infectious character caused by hemolitic streptococci. Inflammations and deformations affect accurately limited site of an integument, are followed by fever and intoxication of an organism. As activity of streptococci of group A is considered the main reason for which the person has an ugly face, treatment is based on reception of penicillin and other antibiotics.

As a rule, the disease is shown after damage of an integument, but in some cases the ugly face arises also without disturbance of integrity of skin, after hit in an infection organism from people who are sources of pyogenic microbes. Their pathogenic influence is characterized by a hyperemia, serous inflammations, infiltration of affected areas and hypostases. In the absence of adequate treatment the ugly face on a leg or other parts of a body leads to formation of abscesses and a necrosis of skin fabrics. Besides, the virus of a streptococcus can extend on an organism via veins and cause secondary purulent complications.

On the nature of inflammatory process allocate three forms of a disease:

  • erythematic – reddening and puffiness of an integument;
  • hemorrhagic – bleeding of blood vessels caused by the permeability phenomenon;
  • violent – emergence of bubbles on the damaged sites. These bubbles reach enough big sizes and are filled with serous exudate.

Ugly face – disease symptoms

The incubation interval lasts several days then local and clinical symptoms are sharply shown:

  • fever, general weakness;
  • headache;
  • nausea, vomiting, tachycardia;
  • fervescence;
  • muscular pains;
  • hyperemia;
  • flowing off of the damaged site of skin.

In some cases the ugly face leads a disease to delirious states, spasms and a meningism. Cases when viruses affect not only an integument, but also regional lymph nodes are also recorded. Most often there is an ugly face on a leg, hands, a trunk and a face, is more rare – on mucous membranes.

Depending on what form is taken by an ugly face, symptoms of a disease can change. The Eritemtozny ugly face is characterized by emergence of an erythema, hypostases and existence of painful feelings. Edges of an eretima have the wrong, broken configuration, and it is painted in bright pink color, accurately limited on a certain site of skin and is followed by a peeling.

The violent form is similar with eritemtozny, but is characterized by amotio of epidermis and formation of bubbles of various sizes filled with serous contents. After some time they burst or transformed to trophic ulcers.

The hemorrhagic form proceeds against the background of the symptoms which are already described above and is followed by numerous hemorrhages on affected areas. In rare instances people have a violent and hemorrhagic ugly face – a disease which leads to formation of bubbles as a usual violent form, but they are filled not with serous, but hemorrhagic exudate.

At an eramatozny form fever and intoxication last up to 5 days, at other forms – up to 10-15 days and more. An ugly face which treatment was carried out irrationally or was followed by fungal and purulent infections, can recur 2 years later after the previous disease. Also she is called by provocative factors – the overcooling of a body, harmful working conditions postponed chronic diseases or damage of lymph nodes. The recurrent form to a bowl of all is shown at young people and elderly people.

In the absence of adequate treatment the ugly face leads a disease to phlegmons, abscesses, a necrosis of sites of skin, infectious toxic shock and to encephalopathy. Elderly people can have a secondary pneumonia and sepsis.

Ugly face – treatment of a disease

Эритромицин - препарат для лечения заболевания рожа

The technique of treatment depends on degree of intoxication of an organism, the accompanying complications and frequency rate of a disease. The greatest efficiency causal treatment – reception of tetracycline, penicillin, Oletetrinum, erythromycin and other antibacterial drugs has. Carrying out two courses of therapy with change of medicines is desirable (in 7-10 days lasting not less than 10 days). At a recurrent form corticosteroids are shown (a daily dose – 30 mg).

In case of existence of permanent infiltration, the ugly face on a leg and other parts of a body is treated by means of anti-inflammatory drugs – Rheopyrinum, butadiene and a hloutazol. Also the autohemotherapy is effective. Influence the acute centers of an inflammation by means of UVCh and Ural federal district.

At a violent form topical treatment – applying of bandages with solution of Furacilin or Rivanolum is admissible. For bigger efficiency along with them Shostakovsky's balm and bandages with ekteritsiny are used. Use of similar means has to alternate with physiotherapeutic procedures.

The ugly face which treatment is carried out with appropriate quality and observance of all procedures provided in such cases has the favorable forecast. Otherwise it recurs and leads to various complications (phlegmons, abscesses, damage of regional lymph nodes).

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