Main > Food stuffs> Arugula


Arugula is considered a weed plant from a sort cabbage, grows practically on all continents of the globe. In the territory of Eurasia about 20 of the 90th species of a plant known to botany grow.


Useful properties of arugula

The medicine notes medicinal properties of seeds and leaves of arugula.

Seeds of a plant contain useful essential oils, and vitamins A, B1, B2, B3, B4, B5, B6, C, K, E, phosphorus, manganese, zinc, potassium, calcium, magnesium, iron, selenium, copper, sodium, sugar, cellulose, phytalbumins, flavonoids, apple and lemon acids, cellulose, a lignin, mineral salts are found in leaves.

Availability of food fibers in leaves of a plant explains such useful properties of arugula as purgation, improvement of its motility, decrease in level of cholesterol, prevention of atherosclerosis.

Arugula is known also for the antibacterial, diuretic, lactogenic property.

Arugula caloric content – 25 kcal in 100 grams of fresh leaves.

Use of arugula

Arugula is recommended to use regularly – it will give the chance to support intestines, immunity, a metabolism in a healthy state.

The salads made from arugula help nursing mothers to recover a lactation, remove excess salts, have expectorant, diuretic effect.

It is established that the constant use of fresh arugula prevents emergence of stomach ulcer and well influences the ulcer processes which are already available in a GIT: heals erosion on mucous a stomach, promotes reduction of ulcers in a size.

Arugula – excellent means for prevention of cancer diseases, strengthening of a nervous system, improvement of a condition of vessels, increase in level of hemoglobin.

Insignificant caloric content of arugula and the fact that at its use intestines are well cleaned and is recovered digestion, does it irreplaceable for carrying out fasting days.

In full to use useful properties of arugula, it is important to know that it is undesirable to crumble it by means of a knife – under the influence of iron there is oxidation reaction and leaves lose the properties. Choosing arugula, it is necessary to pay attention only to young leaves, bright green color.

Effective diuretic broth from fresh leaves of arugula is considered.

Useful properties of arugula are not limited to it. The juice which is wrung out from plant leaves is useful. It is used for removal of pigmentation on a face, elimination of callosities, healing of wounds on skin.

From seeds of arugula foment, promoting a rassasyvaniye of hematomas and healing of abscesses.

It is noticed that the oil prepared from arugula seeds has strong bactericidal property therefore it can be used as an antiseptic agent.

Besides, arugula oil rubbing in in roots of hair promotes their strengthening. In order that hair ceased to drop out, rub oil in roots of hair and leave for the night under a warm bandage.

It is known also that arugula is an aphrodisiac. Men at whom problems with an erection were outlined can be helped by the means prepared from arugula, black pepper and honey. Rukola 100 grams, and other components – on 10 grams undertake. All ingredients mix up, it is necessary to accept mix in the mornings on a teaspoon.

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Arugula can do harm if the person has an allergy to a plant. Therefore those who for the first time tastes arugula are recommended to do it with care.

It is also undesirable to use arugula of subjects in whom are found gastritis with high acidity, diseases of kidneys, a liver.

Arugula cannot do harm to pregnant women, but it is necessary use plant salads to them in moderate quantity.

Whether you know that:

There are very curious medical syndromes, for example, persuasive swallowing objects. In a stomach of one patient suffering from this mania 2500 foreign objects were revealed.