Main > Drugs> Senna


The prices in Internet drugstores:

from 54 rub.

Useful properties

Трава сеннаSenna treats family bean, it call still the Alexandria leaf, a cassia, hay acutifoliate.

In medical practice apply Senna leaves (more often they are called Senna grass). Collect leaves when they completely ripen, then dry on air.

The antraglikozida having laxative effect, organic acids, alkaloids, flavonoids, glycosides, phytosterols, pitches are found in leaves of Senna.

Senna is considered the strongest vegetable laxative from all known to medicine.

Pharmaceutical industry releases Senna in the form of vegetable raw materials and in granules.

Use of Senna

Laxative property of Senna – the main reason for its broad use in medicine. The grass of Senna is useful at a lock, is applied to cleaning of an organism, and also at diseases at which state demands free bowel emptying and a soft chair: hemorrhoids, cracks on mucous an anus, ulcer colitis and others. Also apply laxative property of Senna by preparation for operations on a large intestine, bodies of a peritoneum or before intestines roentgenoscopy.

For treatment of a lock and purgation cook drink from Senna leaves: one teaspoon of raw materials is filled in by 250 ml of cold water and insist days, periodically mixing. In 24 h infusion is filtered and drunk before going to bed. Drink begins to work through 6-8ch. Exclusively cold water is applied to avoid gripes in a stomach.

It is a lot of good reviews of Senna applied to weight loss as a part of a special diet. The diet three weeks and its indispensable condition lasts – is not after 18:00 and to use nutritious mix from a fig, prunes, dried apricots, raisin. All components take 100 g, crush by means of the meat grinder, add 100 g of honey and 100 g of the leaves of Senna tired of boiled water in advance.

It is possible to store this mix in glass capacity, in the refrigerator, and accept it on one tablespoon within three weeks. The diet considerably does not change, but it is necessary to avoid the excessive use of sweet, smoked, fat. Judging by reviews of Senna, even before the termination of such diet improvement of health, feeling of ease in a stomach is observed. Loss of weight – several kilogram for all the time of a diet.

Laxative properties of Senna are effective also for carrying out clarification of an organism. For this purpose broth of Senna is accepted daily for a week. Make it so: one tablespoon of granules or vegetable raw materials is filled in by 200 ml of boiled water and 15-20min heat on a steam bath then filter. It is necessary to drink Senna grass in two hours after food, it is better it is already undesirable in the evening because there is something after that.

Reviews of Senna recommend the following scheme: in the first day accept 100 ml of broth. Next morning after the first use there can be abdominal pains, strong ease of intestines – about two times in a morning. Stomach aches are usually moderate, but if it is heavy to stand them and the ease will be excessive, the dosage should be reduced by this evening. Gradually the organism gets used to Senna and the dosage is increased so that at the end of clarification, for the seventh day, 200 ml of broth were drunk. If cleaning easily is transferred, it can be prolonged up to 10 days.

Листья сенныThanks to such clarification intestines leave fecal "blockages" which for years in it collect, kidneys come out sand and stones. It is possible to carry out cleaning procedures by means of Senna leaves once a month.

It is possible to practice also more extreme cleaning by means of Senna when for one or two days at once without preparation accept 200 ml of broth, but it is recommended to do it only to the people confident in good shape of the stomach and intestines.


Senna is contraindicated to the feeding and pregnant women, people with serious pathologies of a GIT.

According to reviews about Senna it was established that its prolonged use can do much harm: because of continuous ease there is a deficit of nutrients, there are abnormal liver functions, intestines dystrophy.

The prices in Internet drugstores:

Name of drug



Senna leaves ф / pack ice 1.5g No. 20, Krasnogorskleksredstva (Mosk.obl)

54 rub.

Сеть московских аптек ИФКNetwork of the Moscow drugstores of IFC

Senna leaves pack of 50 g, Krasnogorskleksredstva (Mosk.obl)

65 rub.

Сеть московских аптек ИФКNetwork of the Moscow drugstores of IFC
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