
Shaping – the physical exercises which are individually picked up and allowing to reach beauty, physical perfection and harmony of a body. This method of correction of a figure in 1988 was developed and patented by the Russian scientists. There are practically no contraindications and age restrictions for occupations with shaping.

Виды занятий шейпингом

Types of occupations shaping

Depending on age the shaping is divided on classic shaping (for women from 18 to 55 years), shaping-yuni (for girls up to 18 years), shaping therapy (for women of 55 years and at osteochondrosis), shaping for pregnant women (an organism training during pregnancy). At lessons of shaping of pregnant women learn to relax in time, to breathe correctly. On occupations the muscles participating in a childbed are also prepared and become stronger.

All exercises in this sport are divided into two groups. The first group is presented by the exercises directed to strengthening of muscles of a back, trunk, a press, a breast, hands and a neck. The second group of exercises promotes strengthening of muscles of hips, legs, buttocks.

Shaping lessons

Lessons of shaping consist of a set of exercises on warm-up, the main exercises aimed at the development of muscles, exercises on an extension and relaxation exercises. Professionals select a set of exercises according to the constitutional type, a skeleton structure, percentage of fat and other significant indicators. On the shaping lesson course instructors give advice, help to cope with these or those movements. During shaping lessons those muscles which remain almost uninvolved in everyday life are exposed to considerable loadings. Teachers of shaping watch correctness of performance of exercises, and also a respiratory rhythm and pulse rate. Regular trainings promote substantial increase of working capacity, decrease in concentration of cholesterol in blood, to strengthening of a musculoskeletal system. All exercises in shaping are directed to maintenance also the lowering of arterial pressure is normal of cerebral circulation. This popular sport will help to eliminate depression attacks, to reduce probability of emergence of mental disorders. Correctly organized trainings allow to reduce the need of an organism for oxygen due to reduction of heart rate at rest. During the training fatty acids from a fat depo are spent, liver glycogen stocks decrease. All changes happening in an organism activate processes of a metabolism at several o'clock after completion of occupations.

Shaping for weight loss

Systematic occupations shaping help to get rid of extra kilos. Shaping for weight loss – critical system of a way of life of the person. At shaping lessons the instructor has to explain in detail how to change the diet to lose weight at regular trainings. It is necessary to adhere to the diet which is picked up by the instructor both during the trainings, and in other days. During the occupations shaping for weight loss it is impossible to eat high-calorific and heavy food. The diet during shaping excludes greasy food, confectionery, sugar, bakery and flour products. Specialists also advise butter to replace vegetable, to reduce amount of salt and to add fresh fruit, vegetables, seeds of plants and greens to a diet. During the anabolic occupations for increase in elasticity of muscles it is necessary to eat a lot of proteinaceous food, especially for one or two hours before the occupations. Instructors carry usually out the control measurements helping to define changes of weight and to count a percentage indicator of weight before and after occupations monthly. A certain diet, regular trainings will save from extra kilos for a short time. The positive take completely depends at most a will and efforts of the person. It will not be possible to achieve result without aspiration, persistent fight and great desire.

Шейпинг для похудения

Occupations house shaping

Occupation should be begun with shaping of the house with warm-up. If to miss warm-up and at once to pass to performance of exercises, then it is possible to injure sheaves and muscles. During the occupation it is necessary to monitor breath and heart rate. It is necessary to try to breathe evenly, not to hold the breath. During the occupations it is very important to drink a lot of still water. Good rhythmical music during the occupations will help to kill a headache, to improve mood and to get rid of a depression. At the correct performance of exercises load of a certain group of muscles has to be felt. Each exercise is recommended to carry out not less than four minutes. Two minutes it is necessary to carry out exercise with the maximum intensity, then to be interrupted to stretch the muscles participating in a training. After classes the fatigue shall be felt as shaping of the house.

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The first vibrator was invented in the 19th century. It worked at the steam engine and intended for treatment of female hysteria.