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What is syphilis?

проявление сифилиса на спине у болеющего человека

Syphilis is one of the most widespread infections, sexually transmitted. An infestant is the pale treponema (T. Pallidum). Out of a carrier organism it can exist only several minutes therefore transfer of syphilis happens only at close contact between the healthy and sick person. Newborn children can "catch" a disease in mother's womb (so-called inborn syphilis). As the activator gets into an organism through mucous membranes of bodies, its transfer is quite possible in the household way when using the general objects of use and hygienic accessories. Most often as the place of transition of syphilis serve generative organs, a mouth and a throat. Within several hours the causative agent of syphilis affects regional lymph nodes, and then extends through them on all vitals and systems.

Syphilis etiology

Syphilis is caused by a pale treponema which in most cases has the spiral-shaped form. However, its atypical options not so seldom meet. Thanks to polymorphism of the activator, timely diagnosis of syphilis and its further treatment significantly is at a loss. Besides, at coincidence of a number of factors the treponema can pass into the intsistirovanny form which is characterized by excellent resilience to external influences and, as a result, bigger survival. For this reason any symptoms of syphilis have to be considered as the basis for the immediate address to the venereologist. Independent treatment is inadmissible as without analyses and definition like a microbe the patient risks to bring the matter to serious complications. Let's notice also that many antibiotics are most effective to an encystment stage that is one more occasion in time to address to profile clinics.

Syphilis pathogeny

As we already mentioned above, symptoms of syphilis are shown after close contacts with the infected person. Patients in whom the infection caused emergence of the papules and chancres which are the place of accumulation of treponemas are especially dangerous in this plan. Transmissibility of urine is meanwhile not proved, but it is known that the small number of activators accumulates in saliva. Infection through milk of mother or through sperm is also possible, and presence of external symptoms of syphilis on generative organs is optional to the last case at all.

Symptoms of syphilis and clinical picture of a disease

Primary syphilis

The initial stage of syphilis matches emergence of the first chancres and syphilomas. On average they arise in 3-4 weeks from the moment of infection in the place of implementation of treponemas. In the beginning on this site of skin or mucous membranes the small spot of red color which changes eventually and takes a form of the papule passing into an ulcer or an erosion is shown. The patient does not feel any painful feelings at a palpation of chancres.

Secondary syphilis

Symptoms of syphilis are shown in 6-7 weeks after infection. They are quite various and symptoms of syphilis in primary period are observed on the much bigger square, than. Let's note most characteristics of symptoms of syphilis:

  • defeats of integuments are supplemented with the evidence of disturbances in work of other bodies and systems;
  • wavy current and existence of the eclipse (asymptomatic) periods;
  • enanthesis has brighter coloring and the small sizes, but occupies the big square;
  • rashes have property to disappear, but then again recur, and each time they show the increasing tendency to group, forming roseolas over time – inflammatory sites with a diameter up to 1 cm;
  • quite often secondary syphilis leads to emergence papular a syphilide – defeats of an integument which resolve by itself, but leave accurately visible pigmented areas.

Defeats of other bodies and systems syphilis are expressed as temperature increase, a loss of appetite, the general weakness, nausea, headaches, increase in regional lymph nodes. If treatment of syphilis was not carried out or was insufficient, then the secondary form passes in tertiary 3-4 years later after infection.

Tertiary period of syphilis

At symptoms of syphilis of this stage patients have tertiary syphilides – hillocks and gummas which are formed both on skin, and on the surface of bones, internals, in hypodermic cellulose and a nervous system. At disappearance they cause numerous destructive changes of bodies and fabrics. The tertiary period of syphilis can last several years, however, it is worth noticing that in process of increase in medical care of the population the similar form of syphilis meets less frequently.

Inborn syphilis

Inborn syphilis is transmitted from sick mother at penetration of treponemas through a placenta in a fruit. Infection with syphilis can occur as during conception, and is much later. Regardless of infection time, pathological changes of fabrics are observed only on the VI-VII month of pregnancy therefore active prevention of syphilis at early stages will help to give birth to the healthy child. The possibility of transfer of activators through sperm of the father is not proved yet therefore all preventive actions usually concern future mother. Treat them: identification of sick women at early stages, the full accounting of pregnant women, control of treatment of the infected persons. For the purpose of the prevention of development of negative changes obligatory regular examinations of pregnant women regarding existence of treponemas and external symptoms of inborn syphilis are conducted.

Diagnosis of syphilis

Эффективный препарат при лечении сифилиса

At diagnosis of syphilis for identification of activators the microscopic method which allows to find treponemas in samples of fabrics is used. This way of diagnosis of syphilis is applicable if at the person secondary syphilis develops. For primary form serological researches (Wassermann reaction, an enzyme immunoassay) are more urgent for detection of specific antibodies in blood of the sick person.

Treatment of syphilis

Now the huge amount of various materials thanks to which the most effective mechanisms of treatment of syphilis including at late stages of an infection are developed is saved up. Preventive actions include administration of drugs of a penicillinic row by all persons who contacted to the infected person.

If the unambiguous positive diagnosis of syphilis is made, doctors have to reveal portability of the patient to effect of penicillin, define the list of urgent drugs and their dosage. Today treatment of syphilis is made by means of a benzatin of benzylpenicillin, eritromitsin, tetracycline, doxycycline (it is used at intolerance of penicillin). Duration of therapy makes 2-3 weeks depending on a stage of development of an infection and the accompanying complications.

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Scientists from the Oxford university conducted a number of researches during which they came to a conclusion that vegetarianism can be harmful to a human brain as leads to decrease in its weight. Therefore scientists recommend not to exclude completely from the diet fish and meat.