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Syndrome to Giyena-Barra

Основные проявления синдрома Гийена-Барре у детейAt the beginning of the XX century researchers Barret, Giyen and Shtrol described an unknown disease at soldiers of the French army. Fighters were paralyzed, they did not note tendon jerks, the anesthesia was observed. Scientists investigated cerebrospinal fluid of patients and defined that in it there was an increased protein content whereas the quantity of other cells was absolutely normal. On the basis of proteinaceous and cellular association what the result of the analysis of spinal liquor testified to, the syndrome which differs from other demyelinating diseases of a nervous system of a rapid current and the favorable forecast was diagnosed to Giyena-Barra. The studied soldiers recovered earlier than in 2 months.

Afterwards it became clear that to Giyena-Barra the syndrome is not so harmless what it was described by pioneers. In 20 years prior to emergence of the description of a disease the neuropathologist Landry observed patients with similar diseases. At them the sluggish paralyzes which are promptly developing on the ascending nervous paths were also noted. The prompt course of a disease led to a lethal outcome. Defeat of a nervous system was called Landry's paralysis. Afterwards it became clear that to Giyena-Barra the syndrome can also lead to a lethal outcome due to shutdown of muscular transfer in a diaphragm. But also at such patients the laboratory picture of proteinaceous and cellular association in liquor of the spinal channel was observed.

Then decided to combine both diseases and to appropriate pathologies one name of Landry-Giyena-Barret a syndrome, to this day neuropathologists use the offered terminology. However the international classification of diseases registered only one name: To Giyena-Barra syndrome or acute postinfectious polyneuropathy.

Syndrome to Giyena-Barra, reasons

As the disease develops after an infection, there is an assumption that it causes process of a demiliyenization of nerve fibrils. However the direct infectious agent is still not revealed. On myelin fibers of nervous tissue the antigen antibody complexes which cause destruction of a myelin are postponed.

Myelin covers are located throughout a nervous trunk through certain intervals. They play a role of condensers therefore nervous impulses are transferred quicker in several tens of times and reach "the addressee" in an invariable look. When the syndrome to Giyena-Barra develops, its reasons are cut in decrease in capacity of "condensers". As a result nervous transfer is late and loses force. The person intends to squeeze fingers, but can move them only.

In it essence of all demiliyeniziruyushchy diseases of a nervous system. When at the person the syndrome to Giyena-Barra develops, momentum transfer to the main vitals, such as suffers:

  • Cardiac muscle;
  • Diaphragm;
  • Deglutitory muscles.

At paralysis of these bodies life activity of an organism stops.

Syndrome to Giyena-Barra, symptoms

The paradoxicality of a disease is that at acute development the happy end is the share of two thirds of patients, and at a chronic current the forecast adverse.

To Giyena-Barra the syndrome begins after the postponed acute viral infections, most often, of respiratory. In the form of complications after flu at the person the general weakness which is transferred to hands and legs develops. Afterwards the subjective feeling of weakness progresses to sluggish paralysis. At an acute current the following symptoms develop:

  • Disappearance of a deglutitory reflex;
  • The paradoxical type of breath – during a breath an abdominal wall does not extend, and on the contrary, will fall down;
  • Disturbance of sensitivity of distal departments of extremities as "gloves" and "stockings".

In hard cases breath because of a phrenoplegia is turned off.

When initially chronic syndrome to Giyena-Barra develops, symptoms accrue slowly, within several months, but at manifestation peak they will difficult respond to treatment. As a result of an effect of paralysis remain on for the rest of the life.

Clinical current of a syndrome to Giyena-Barra

During a disease 3 stages are defined:

  • Prodromal;
  • Heat;
  • Outcome.

The prodromal stage is characterized by a febricula, muscular hand and legs pains, slight increase of temperature.

In the period of a heat all symptoms characteristic for Giyena-Barra of a syndrome which reach peak of the development by the end of a phase are shown.

The stage of an outcome is characterized by total absence of symptoms of any infection, but shown only by neurologic symptoms. The disease comes to an end with either a complete recovery of all functions, or disability.

Syndrome to Giyena-Barra, treatment

At the acute beginning, especially when the syndrome to Giyena-Barra at children develops, first of all there are resuscitation actions. Timely connection of the medical ventilator saves the patient's life.

Синдром Гийена-Барре - лечение и прогноз для жизниLong stay in resuscitation chamber demands additional treatment, prevention of decubituses and fight against infections, including, hospital is made.

Uniqueness of a disease to Giyena-Barra is that at adequate artificial ventilation of the lungs there is a regeneration of myelin covers without any medicamentous influence.

Modern methods of treatment of a syndrome to Giyena-Barra, at children in particular, provide carrying out a plasma exchange. Clarification of a blood plasma from autoimmune complexes prevents progressing of demyelination of nerve fibrils and considerably reduces the period of artificial ventilation of the lungs.

Now the syndrome Giyena-Barra will respond to treatment by means of immunoglobulin injections. The method is expensive, but efficient. In the recovery period physical therapy methods, physiotherapy exercises and massage are used.

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