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Reynaud's syndrome

Методы диагностики синдрома РейноAll functional systems of a human body can suffer from various diseases. Not an exception is also the system of blood supply. A large number of morbid conditions which are capable to break process of food of bodies and fabrics is known. Among them there are rather rare indispositions, for example, Reynaud's syndrome. As a rule, it is a complication of a number of diseases, however quite often arises independently. Clinical manifestations are caused by a spasm of capillaries.

Disease and Reynaud's syndrome

Disturbance of blood circulation can be provoked by various pathological processes in an organism. Often it develops against the background of other diseases to which, first of all, the main medical actions are directed. However the spasm of capillaries can be both an independent disease, and Reynaud's syndrome. In what distinction between these concepts?

"Causeless" emergence of vascular spasms in extremities without obviously expressed pathology in other bodies and systems speaks about a hyperexcitability of a nervous system. This feature of an organism leads to a sharp imbalance between an irritant and reaction of vessels to it. Of course, the short-term spasm of capillaries as defense reaction, for example, on impact of cold, periodically arises at any person. Pathology is increase in force and duration of a spasm in response to insignificant decrease in temperature.

Existence of other diseases can reduce several value of such problem as disturbance of a blood-groove in fingers of hands and legs. As a result of lack of adequate therapy Reynaud's syndrome develops. This state at which symptoms and effects of a spasm of capillaries become rather noticeable. They begin to influence negatively health on an equal basis with displays of the main illness.

Reynaud's syndrome, reasons

Any pathology of an organism has under itself a certain basis and at once affects health. At Reynaud's syndrome several factors are the reasons of an indisposition. A row from them causes development of a disease, already directly against the background of which there are capillary spasms. It can be endocrine disturbances, for example, a diabetes mellitus or problems with a thyroid gland. Also degenerative changes in a backbone become "primary source" quite often.

Failure of the autonomic nervous system which leads to increase in her excitability results. As a result, the organism responds the strongest reaction in the form of a spasm of capillaries even on an insignificant irritant. Temperature fluctuations, and also emotional experiences, both positive, and negative can play a role of the catalyst of pathological process.

Reynaud's syndrome is caused not only disturbance of an innervation of peripheral vessels. To one of the reasons of development of pathological reaction of an organism serves weakness of capillary walls. The similar combination of negative factors also causes so serious consequences what irreversible trophic changes in fingers of extremities are.

Reynaud's syndrome, symptoms

Disturbance of blood circulation in capillaries always has rather expressed character.

It is characterized by constant cold sense in brushes and feet which does not depend on air temperature. Usually extremities are surprised symmetrically, the chin, a tip of a nose, a lobe of ears can also suffer. At Reynaud's syndrome symptoms of a spasm of peripheral vessels are imposed on manifestations of a basic disease.

The pristupoobrazny course of an illness is noted. The aggravation begins with sharp narrowing of peripheral vessels that is shown by pallor and a chill of fingers. After a while skin gains blue color, in fingers there is severe pain. Gradually capillaries extend, extremities grow warm and get a red shade. Periodically repeating attacks lead to decrease in sensitivity of finger-tips, damage of integuments, emergence of trophic ulcers.

The syndrome of Reynaud which symptoms, as a rule, arise in parallel with symptoms of other disease often causes difficulties at diagnosis. As important criteria in this situation serve such indicators as symmetry of damage of extremities, firmness and force of a spasm, and also its repeatability.

Reynaud's syndrome, treatment

Disturbance of peripheric circulation is capable to cause serious consequences. Due to constantly arising vasospasms quality of life considerably worsens. Disturbance of a trophicity of fabrics quite often leads to gangrene of fingers that means amputation. At Reynaud's syndrome treatment has to be complex, it is carried out practically all life.

Синдром Рейно - лечение и последствияElimination or restriction of contact with factors which promote a vasospasm is of great importance for simplification of a course of a disease. This impact of cold and humidity on integuments, and also smoking, various stresses. In the presence of professional vrednost it is necessary to think of work change.

Treatment of a syndrome of Reynaud provides use of drugs of different pharmacological groups, and also physical therapy and massage. The complex of medical actions is directed not only to improvement of a blood-groove in extremities, but also to the reason of a basic disease.

Though for Reynaud's syndrome treatment by folk remedies is not a panacea, it is possible to use some councils in combination with medicinal therapy. First of all, this use of bathtubs with essential oils of coniferous trees and the use of vegetable infusions.

The spasm of the smallest vessels can affect health negatively. For preservation of health it is necessary to ask for medical care in time and to carry out all doctor's instructions. At the same time it is important to remember that at Reynaud's syndrome treatment by folk remedies is not capable to replace medicamentous therapy.

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