Main > Drugs> Lilac


Description of a lilac

Куст сирениLilac – a bush from a sort Olive, growing in a wild look in the southeast of Europe, in Asia, cultivated as an adornment plant and for use in house medicine.

Medicinal properties allocated flowers, bark of a bush of a lilac and a kidney. Flowers collect together with branches when buds are tied. To dry them advise connected in bunches, and in a shadow. Collect lilac leaves in dry weather in June-July, dry them as well as flowers under a canopy or at 40-60 degrees in special dryers.

Bark in the medical purposes is cut off only from young bushes of a lilac, sometimes its preparation is carried out along with leaves.

It is possible to store medicinal raw materials of a lilac only two years, in the wooden closed boxes or bags from natural fabric.

Useful properties of a lilac

The means prepared from leaves, flowers of bark of a bush of a lilac possess the antimicrobic, anti-diabetic, anesthetizing, sudorific, febrifugal, antiinflammatory, diuretic action.

The tea on lilac colors prepared as follows possesses anticonvulsant action: 1 tablespoon of dry flowers is filled in by 250 ml of boiled water, 20 minutes insist, filter. Such tea from a lilac helps at epilepsy, it is possible to drink it several years.

At diarrhea prepare such means: the tablespoon of flowers of a lilac is filled in by 250 ml of boiled water, 60 min. insist, filter, accept 3-4r/put on a tablespoon or 30 drops of 4P/day.

Well kills a headache at migraine lilac flowers ointment: two tablespoons of raw materials pound with two tablespoons of butter and rub a forehead and temples during an attack.

It is possible to grease with the same ointment on a lilac sore joints at their inflammations and injuries. At these diseases recommend to drink infusion on flowers of a lilac to 4kh once a day on 1y to a tablespoon. Lotions from the same infusion help at bruises, rheumatism of joints – change a bandage 4-5 р / day.

At asthma bronchial, tuberculosis, pneumonia infusion on flowers and kidneys of a lilac well removes heat: two spoons of table kidneys and flowers fill in 250 ml of the boiling water, maintain hour, filter. It is recommended to drink infusion warm 3-4 р / day on 250 ml.

At cystitis infusion on flowers of a lilac it is possible to accept on 30 drops 3r/put, and tincture on leaves – 20 drops three р / day before food.

Rinsings by flower tincture can be done at laryngitis: insist on 100 g of vodka 50 of of flowers for a week. The received spirit tincture before rinsing is dissolved with water boiled 1:10.

Infusion of a lilac helps also at impotence: two spoons of fresh flowers (or one spoon of dry) fill in 500 ml of boiled water, maintain half an hour, filter. It is necessary to drink means 3 р / day after meal on 1/3 glasses. Prepare infusion from a lilac for two days at once, store in cold.

At inflammations of kidneys infusion on lilac bush leaves helps: two spoons of the dry and crushed leaves fill in with hot water (250 ml), warm up before boiling, remove and 2-3 hours insist in heat. Before the use infusion of a lilac is filtered, wrung out. It is necessary to drink it 4 р / day before food on a tablespoon on an extent 2kh weeks. In 2-3 months it is possible to complete a course again if there is a need.Чай из цветов сирени помогает при эпилепсии

Kidneys of a lilac are useful at diabetes. Bring together them in the spring early when they begin to bulk up. Broth is prepared so: 20 g of the crushed dried-up kidneys of a lilac fill in 250 ml of hot water, 15 minutes boil, filter and add water boiled to 250 ml. Recommend to drink to diabetics broth on a tablespoon 3r/put.

In the description of a lilac it is specified also that it is possible to apply to treatment not only dry leaves. Well fresh leaves of a bush heal the festered wounds, and before their overlaying it is useful to wash out a wound infusion on leaves.

Besides, purulent ulcers also the lilac bark which is washed out carefully treats: the ulcer is steamed out for a start and later laid over bark, fixed by bandage. Change a bandage in the first day of treatment 4 р / day, and then only one р / days.

Contraindications to use of a lilac

Flowers of a lilac are poisonous therefore it is necessary to get the qualified medical advice before an initiation of treatment and not to abuse tinctures on flowers.

Whether you know that:

The most high temperature of a body was recorded at Uilli Jones (USA) who came to hospital with a temperature of 46,5 °C.