
Description of substance

Sorbite – the substance differently called by Glucitum represents the hexatomic alcohol with sweetish smack registered as E420 nutritional supplement. This crystal substance white, firm, inodorous, having pleasant taste and well dissolved in water. Sweet of sorbite is approximately twice less than usual sugar.Сорбит - глюцит, белое кристаллическое вещество без запаха

Content of sorbite in fruits of a mountain ash from which Latin name ("сорбус an aukupariya"), it also received the name is big. Nevertheless, an industrial way sorbite is produced from corn starch.

Chemical formula of substance - C6H14O6

Sorbite food is a natural sweetener, a kompleksoobrazovatel, emulsifier, a teksturator, the moisture-holding agent, the stabilizer of color and the dispersing substance. Sorbite food almost completely (for 98%) is acquired by an organism and favourably differs from synthetic substances in the nutritious characteristics: caloric content of sorbite makes 4 kcal/g of substance.

The sorbite use, according to specialists, promotes economy of an expenditure an organism of vitamins of group B – a pyridoxine, thiamin, biotin. Besides, it is established that reception of nutritional supplement promotes growth of the intestinal microflora synthesizing these vitamins.

Despite the expressed sweet taste, sorbite is not carbohydrate thanks to what it it is possible without harm for health to eat to the people suffering from a diabetes mellitus. Substance keeps the properties at boiling and with success is added to the products demanding heat treatment.

Physical and chemical indicators of sorbite

Substance has the following physical and chemical properties:

  • Sweet of sorbite makes 0,6 from sweet of sucrose;
  • Energy value of nutritional supplement - 4 kcal or 17,5 kJ;
  • Solubility (at a temperature of 20 degrees Celsius) - 70%;
  • The recommended size of daily consumption - 20-40 g.

Sorbite use

Thanks to the properties sorbite is often used as sugar substitute in production of dietary food stuffs and drinks, chewing gums, confectionery, kissels, a fruit candy, candies, fruit and vegetable canned food, farshevy products, soft drinks. Having ability to extend moisture from air (hygroscopicity), sorbite prevents premature hardening and drying of products.

In pharmaceutics sorbite is applied as a strukturoobrazovatel and a filler at production of gelatin capsules, vitamin drugs, creams, ointments, pastes, cough syrups. It is used also in production of vitamin C (ascorbic acid).Пищевой сорбит - натуральный сахарозаменитель

Besides, sorbite is applied as hygroscopic substance in the cosmetic industry (production of creams, toothpastes, masks, powders, deodorants, lotions, shower gels, shampoos), and also in textile, tanning, tobacco, paper and chemical productions.

By experts of the European society in nutritional supplements sorbite (Е 420) was given the status allowed for use and the person of foodstuff, safe for health.

Advantage and harm of sorbite

According to responses sorbite possesses the expressed laxative action which increases in direct ratio to the quantity accepted by an organism. Substance doses within 40-50 grams can promote emergence of a meteorism, doses result over 50 grams in strong laxative effect. This ability of sorbite allows to use substance as medicine for fight against locks. Unlike the majority of purgatives sorbite is not poisonous thanks to what substance is used at treatment of alcoholic poisoning.

Nevertheless, the use of sorbite in large numbers can become the reason of the increased gas generation, stomach aches, diarrhea, to aggravate a syndrome of the angry intestines and to cause deterioration in absorption of fructose. The excess amount of substance in cells of an organism can do it harm - the sorbite which is contained in cells of nerves and eyes can become the neuropathy reason, and also a diabetic retinopathy.

Sorbite food has cholagogue effect that allows to use it at a tyubazha - the procedure of washing leading to clarification of a liver, kidneys, a gall bladder and bilious channels.

In spite of the fact that substance, in fact, sugar is not, it is not recommended to use the products containing sorbite in excess quantity to the persons having obesity.

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