The stevia is a perennial plant from family astrovy and a look a thistle family. The stevia in South and Central America is widespread and is actively applied, has several main medicinal types.
The wild stevia grows on droughty plains and in mountainous areas of Central America and Asia. The plant after cultivation began to breed by a vegetative method. To Russia it was for the first time delivered from Latin America in the middle of the 20th century by the academician Vavilov.
For the first time the stevia was grown up in South America and was a popular plant in the tribe of the Maya.
In the 18th century the Spanish conquistadors, having seen that natives have tea with a stevia at various diseases, too began to use this plant in the medical purposes. By the 19th century this plant extended across all Latin America and the countries of Europe.
In the 20th century medicinal properties of a stevia were proved. The plant recovers a metabolism, slows down processes of aging and protects an organism from negative impact of the environment.
In the late seventies the 20th centuries in the USSR the special Stevia program according to which this plant has to be used as a product for healthy food of military, astronauts, submariners, scientists and members of government services was developed.
It was defined that the stevia is effective sweetener and is useful at a diabetes mellitus, obesity, and also disturbances of carbohydrate and lipidic exchanges.
Following the results of work of the World symposium it was confirmed that the stevia is a medicinal plant which has a set of useful properties.
The high advantage of a stevia is proved by various international researches. This plant is medicinal and can be used as natural sweetener.
The advantage of a stevia is high concerning normalization of arterial pressure, decrease in level of sugar and cholesterol in blood, improvement of functioning of digestive organs and clarification of an organism.
Tincture of a stevia can be used for rinsing of a mouth at inflammatory processes and as natural toothpaste which improves dental health and gums.
Drinks on the basis of this plant improve work of bodies of a GIT, promote digestion of food and improvement of intestinal functions.
Thanks to antibacterial properties of a plant prevention of skin diseases and disturbances of functioning of cardiovascular system is performed.
The stevia helps to disinfect wounds and possesses antiinflammatory action.
The stevia was widely used in Japan where it is actively used in the food industry and medicine. From a stevia receive стевиозид which is used when pickling vegetables, drying seafood, preparation of soy sauce and мисо.
In the Japanese dietary menu this plant is used for preparation of first courses, ragout and salads.
The stevia at preparation of desserts and sweet dishes, and also breadstuff, yogurts, ice cream and lollipops is actively applied.
In China and Malaysia the stevia is used as nutritional supplement, and also as ingredient for honey tea which improves digestion and promotes weight loss.
In the countries of Latin America this plant is applied as an effective remedy to treatment of a diabetes mellitus, it is added to tea and other products, and also used as sweetener.
The stevia is a non-toxic plant and has no mutagen activity. Clinical trials established that extract of leaves of this plant reduces testosterone level, improves sexual function at men and promotes normal functioning of a brain.
At an idiopathic hypertensia extract of leaves of this plant strengthens removal of bile and improves an urination. The stevia possesses stimulating, tonic and fortifying actions.
To the use of a stevia contraindications are the individual intolerance and predisposition to allergic reactions to a plant. Leaves of a plant possess hypotensive action therefore the stevia is contraindicated to the use to people with the lowered arterial pressure.
The stevia in a large number is harmful to people with a diabetes mellitus and disturbances of a lipometabolism. At the use of a plant it is necessary to control constantly the content of sugar in blood.
The stevia (because of the content of essential oils, tannins, etc.) can do harm to people with disturbances of carbohydrate metabolism and a serious illness of respiratory system.
The stevia is contraindicated at a serious illness of the alimentary system, serious violations of blood circulation, hormonal failures, mental disorders and during the postoperative period.
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