The African ostrich – the largest of all birds who are available on Earth, bringing the largest eggs weighing from 1,2-2,2 kg.
The shell of ostrich's egg smooth, is penetrated various size and a form by a time. The mass of a cover of egg makes 220 grams, thickness – 1,83 mm. Coloring of a shell varies from white till light yellow color and directly depends on plumage of a bird. Ostrich's egg possesses a large supply of durability and is capable to sustain loading to 55 kg.
In general ostrich's egg on structure of lipids and proteins is close to egg. Color of its yolk – saturated yellow, protein – almost transparent. Eggs of an ostrich cannot be got in other season, except summer: the productive season of a female proceeds from March to September-October. The good female of an ostrich postpones of 10-30 eggs for a breeding season, after she does a pause. Healthy ostriches remain productive for 20-30 years that causes purchase of this large bird as long-term investment.
Ostrich's egg – a product with the high commercial value therefore practically each of them goes to an incubation. Only unfertilized eggs of the early or late productive period become food stuffs. In this respect ostrich's eggs interested, as a rule, the restaurants offering an omelet from ostrich's egg as an exotic dish or the private consumers wishing to surprise the guests with original snack to solemn evening.
One ostrich's egg weighing about 1,5 kg contains about 1 kg of protein and 320 g of a yolk, being an impressive portion of useful substances. Ostrich's eggs differ in good organoleptic indicators: content of vitamin A in a product - 19,5 mkg/g, carotinoids - 36,6 mkg/g, vitamin E - 116,5 mkg/g. They surpass chicken not only in the size, but also in the content of threonine and a lysine - the irreplaceable amino acids participating in creation of a myoproteose and which are not synthesized by an organism.
Along with the fact that ostrich's egg possesses similar with a chicken set of useful substances: proteins, carbohydrates, fats, microelements (potassium, calcium, phosphorus), the dietary value of a product of reproduction of an ostrich is several times higher. It is caused by low contents in egg of an ostrich of cholesterol.
Caloric content of ostrich's eggs makes 160 kcal / 100.
Many inhabitants are interested in the answer to the question "how many to cook ostrich's egg". To cook ostrich's hard boiled egg, about 75 minutes, soft-boiled - are necessary 45 minutes. In certain cases process of preparation of egg can be simplified, having made several small openings in its shell. With their help the yolk of egg will pour out outside and will mix up in ware.
Ways of preparation of ostrich's eggs differ in nothing from the others - their contents in the same way pour out on a frying pan and are used for preparation of big portions of a dish. The ready omelet from ostrich's eggs can be stored in the refrigerator within 2-3 days.
Despite similarity with chicken, ostrich's eggs have more saturated taste that allows to use them in bread baking, for the purpose of giving to baking of more appetizing taste.
Usually culinary masterpieces from ostrich's eggs are presented on festive events: birthdays, anniversaries, for Easter.
Four segments of dark chocolate contain about two hundred calories. So if you do not want to recover, better not to eat it is more than two segments in days.
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