Tachycardia – a state at which heart rate exceeds 90 beats per minute. Tachycardia can arise as owing to increase in heart rate because of exercise stresses, stressful situations or disorders, well an effect of increase in heart rate at rest.
In certain cases tachycardia can proceed without complications, nevertheless, it can seriously break normal cardiac performance, increases risk of developing of a stroke or can lead to a sudden cardiac standstill and death. Risk factors of development of tachycardia is obesity and diabetes 2 types. Allocate tachycardia sinus, paroxysmal and fibrillation of ventricles.
Sinus tachycardia call a state when from a sinus node to ventricles carrying out impulses is broken or generation sinus nodes of the impulses controlling cordial a rhythm is broken. It is revealed by means of the electrocardiogram, and external factors, and the wrong functioning of a sinus node can be its reasons both.
Bouveret's disease call a state at which the tachycardia attack, with a frequency of 150-300 beats per minute suddenly arises and stops. Allocate three forms of a Bouveret's disease:
Increase in activity of a nervous system and dystrophic changes of a myocardium are proximate causes of tachycardia of this type.
Fibrillation of ventricles call a state at which to frequency of 250-480 beats per minute there is a chaotic reduction of fibers of a myocardium which results in lack of reductions of ventricles and a cardiac standstill. Often fibrillation of ventricles is a consequence of the complications caused by an extensive myocardial infarction.
Disturbances of the autonomic nervous system and hemodynamics, various forms of arrhythmia and disturbance of endocrine system are the most common causes of tachycardia.
Often tachycardia is a consequence of a hypertension, coronary heart disease, myocardial infarction and heart diseases. Also one of origins of tachycardia is the excessive use of caffeine, alcoholic beverages and tobacco smoking. Development of tachycardia is promoted by diseases of a thyroid gland and various infectious diseases.
Symptoms of tachycardia are:
In certain cases tachycardia can proceed without manifestation of above-mentioned symptoms. In such cases, as a rule, the state is found at medical examination or monitoring of heart.
Diagnosing of tachycardia happens by medical examination, carrying out a number of inspections, analyses and tests. The general tests for diagnosis are:
The main directions of treatment of tachycardia is prevention of its attacks in the future, minimization of the caused complications and reduction of frequency of a cordial rhythm to a normality. Treatment of tachycardia can be medicamentous, with purpose of special medicines, or can consist in change of a way of life of the diseased, avoidance of stressful situations and good rest.
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