Main > Drugs> Thistle


Татарник колючийThe thistle – a plant with direct branchy and prickly stalks, from Astrov' family, grows in the Black earth belt of Russia on waste grounds, in gardens, near reservoirs, at roads.

In medicine apply flowers and leaves of a plant, carry out preparation of raw materials to time of blossoming of a thistle: from June to September. The leaves cut lengthways and flowers dry in a shadow. Medicinal raw materials are good two more years after preparation for use, it is necessary to store it in wooden boxes.

Useful properties of a thistle

In a plant alkaloids, flavones, coumarins, saponins are found. The means prepared from a thistle render diuretic, wound healing, antimicrobic, styptic action. It is noted also that the thistle stimulates cordial activity, a nervous system, increases pressure, suppresses growth of tumors.

Use of a thistle

The broth welded from leaves of a thistle is effective at bladder inflammations, at puffiness, hemorrhoids, catarrhal manifestations.

Цветы татарникаTo prepare broth, two spoons of the table crushed leaves of a thistle fill in 250 ml of hot water, boil 15 min. on the water bath. Filter broth in 45 minutes when it cools down and will infuse. Recommend to drink means after food, 3r/put on 1/3 glasses.

The thistle broth welded according to this recipe can be applied outwardly: at the festered wounds, ulcers, skin diseases compresses help. It is necessary to change them two р / day.

At cystitis tea from the dried-up thistle leaves helps: the tablespoon is drawn hour in 200 ml of boiled water. Drink this means 2-3r/put on 200 ml within 10 days.

At a furunculosis it is possible to purify blood and to recover by means of juice from svezhesorvanny leaves of a thistle. It is drunk on a teaspoon three р / day.

Powder from the leaves of a thistle cleared of prickles helps at bladder diseases. Three accept thistle powder р / day on a teaspoon, wash down with water.

At hemorrhoids, cold, rheumatism, tetanus, disturbances of cardiac performance, malignant new growths it is possible to prepare broth from leaves, flower baskets of a thistle: 20 g of raw materials boil 10 min. in 200 ml of water. When broth cools down, it needs to be filtered, added boiled water to receive the initial volume of liquid. Drink such means no more 4kh р / day, on 1y to a tablespoon.

At bad overall health or fatigue infused thistle leaves in a thermos help: three tablespoons of leaves fill in 500 ml of boiled water, keep in a thermos of 12 h, then boil 3-5 minutes. Accept thistle infusion on 100-125ml, warm, three р / day.

At arrhythmia, cardiac neurosis such broth from leaves and inflorescences of a thistle helps: the tablespoon of the crushed dried-up raw materials is filled in by 200 ml of hot water, 15 minutes boil, later filter and add to initial 200 ml of boiled water. It is necessary to drink means on ½ glasses 3-4r/put.

At cold recommend such infusion: two spoons of the crushed dried-up leaves, flower baskets of a thistle fill in 250 ml of hot water, 15 minutes boil, 45 minutes insist, add boiled water to come to initial volume. Drink infusion on 0,5 glasses three р / day.

At skin diseases at children such means from a thistle is recommended: two tablespoons of a grass fill in 200-250ml the boiling water, maintain hour and filter. Children means are given several times a day on ½ glasses. At uterine bleedings such broth from a thistle can help too – it is drunk 5-6r/put on 100-125ml.

Instead of broths and infusions at the specified diseases also the juice which is wrung out from fresh leaflets of a thistle helps. Drink its three р / day on 0,5 teaspoons. As strengthening and prophylactic juice can be drunk after an oncotomy – on the 1st teaspoon 3r/den. Besides, juice of a thistle process sites of skin, cancer-stricken.

At diarrhea, spasms, a bloody phlegm, diseases of a liver broth of fruits of a thistle - oblong mericarps of brown or brown color which appear in September, October helps. To prepare medical broth of a thistle, the tablespoon of fruits is filled in by 500 ml of water, 10 minutes boil. Accept it several times a day on 80-85ml.

At ulcers, a lupus, carcinoma cutaneum and after removal of tumors such means from thistle inflorescences is effective: take a bottle capacity 0,5l, fill it with flowers, fill in with vodka and in the warm place it keep month, without forgetting to stir up contents regularly. When medicine is stood, inflorescences of a thistle wring out and filter infusion. To drink it at the called diseases about 30 ml two р / consult day, but is not more often 2 weekly.

Thistle contraindications

The thistle can increase pressure therefore are contraindicated to hypertensive persons of means on its basis.

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