Main > Medical terms> Anastomosis of II

Anastomosis of II

Anastomosis of II (anastomosis; synonym: an anastomosis) in surgery – the message between hollow bodies, perigastriums or blood vessels created in the operational way:

Allocate the following types of an anastomosis:

  • Aortocoronary (aortocoronaria) – vascular, between a coronal artery of heart and a chest aorta;
  • Biliodigestivny (biliodigestiva) – between any department of digestive tract and biliary tract;
  • "A side sideways" (English side-to-side) – sewing together of edges of the openings formed on side surfaces of the connected bodies;
  • "Side in the end" (English side-to-end) – a vshivaniye of the taking-away end of the resected or crossed body in an opening on a side surface of the bringing body;
  • Ventrikulosubduralny (ventriculosubduralis; synonyms: the drainage is ventrikulosubduralny, a drainage of a side ventricle internal) – between a front horn of a side ventricle and front department of a subdural space of a brain;
  • Intra pericardiac right-hand (synonym: Sacks Waterston an anastomosis) – vascular, "a side sideways" between the right pulmonary artery and the ascending aorta;
  • Gastrointestinal (gastrointestinalis) – between a small bowel and a stomach;
  • Kavopulmonalny (cavopulmonalis) – vascular, "the end in the end" between an upper vena cava and the right pulmonary artery;
  • Intestinal (intestinalis) – between gut loops;
  • "The end sideways" (English end-to-side) – a vshivaniye of the bringing end of the resected or crossed body in an opening on a side surface of the taking-away body;
  • "The end in the end" (English end-to-end) – sewing together of the ends of the resected or crossed hollow body;
  • Limfovenozny (lymphovenosa) – "a side sideways" between a lymph node and a big saphena in inguinal area;
  • Lyumboperitonealny (lumboperitonealis) – between a peritoneal cavity and a subarachnoid space of a spinal cord;
  • Mammarno-koronarny (mammariocoronaria) – vascular, between coronal and internal chest arteries;
  • Mezenteriko-kavalny (mesentericocavalis) – between vessels of a mesentery and the lower vena cava;
  • Nerves (nervorum) – between the peripheral end of the injured nerve and its central end or the nearby unimpaired nerve;
  • Omentoduralny (omentoduralis; synonyms: Burdenko-Bakuleva an omentoduroanastomosis, an anastomosis stuffing and dural) – between a peritoneal cavity and subarachnoid space of a spinal cord;
  • Pankreatoduodenalny (pancreatoduodenalis) – between a duodenum and a stump of a pancreas after its removal;
  • Pankreatoyeyunalny (pancreatojejunalis) – between a jejunum and a stump of a pancreas (after a pankreatoduodenalny resection);
  • Porto-caval (portocavalis) – vascular, between lower and portal hollow veins;
  • Vascular (synonym: a vasoanastomosis) – between two blood vessels;
  • Splenorenalny (splenorenalis) – vascular, between veins of a spleen and a kidney.
Whether you know that:

In Great Britain there is a law according to which the surgeon can refuse to do to the patient operation if he smokes or has excess weight. The person has to refuse addictions, and then, perhaps, he will not need an operative measure.