
Anury (anuria; an-– otritsa. Greek uron – urine is frequent +; synonym: an anuresis) – not receipt in an urine bladder.

Types of an anury:

  • Arenalny (arenalis) – is caused by lack of kidneys, for example, at their aplasia;
  • Intoksikatsionny (ех intoxicatione) – the prerenalny or renal anury connected with heavy intoxication;
  • Calculous (calculosa) – is caused by obturation of ureters concrements;
  • Obturatsionny (obturatoria) – the subrenal anury connected with obturation of ureters;
  • Prerenalny (praerenalis; synonyms: the anury is extrarenal, an anury extrarenal) – the anury connected with insufficient inflow of blood to kidneys (because of shock, heart failure) or its complete cessation (because of thrombosis of an aorta, the lower vena cava, renal veins or arteries), and also developed as a result of a hydropenia (because of blood loss, a profuse diarrhea, pernicious vomiting);
  • Renal (renalis; synonyms: the anury is renal, the anury secretory) – is caused by damage or diseases of kidneys with considerable defeat of a renal parenchyma;
  • Reflex (reflectoria) – the prerenalny anury developing because of a blood circulation metastasis ad nervos in kidneys;
  • Reflex and peripheral – the reflex anury which arose because of impact on healthy kidneys of irritants from various systems of an organism (for example, at bougieurage of an urethra);
  • Reflex and renal – the reflex anury which arose because of influence of the affected kidney on healthy;
  • Subrenal (subrenalis; synonyms: the anury is prerenal, the anury excretory) – is caused by disturbance of outflow of urine because of squeezing or obturation of upper uric ways;
  • Traumatic (traumatica) – the prerenalny anury which developed as display of traumatic toxicosis (a syndrome of long crush);
  • Tranzitorny (transitoria) – the passing anury caused by temporary disturbance of blood circulation, passability of ureters or acid-base and water and electrolytic balance.
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