Main > Medical terms> Atelectasis


Atelectasis (atelectasis; Greek ateles – incomplete, incomplete, unfinished + Greek ektasis – expansion) – a condition of a lung or its part at which alveoluses almost do not contain or do not contain air at all and are represented fallen down.

Allocate the following types of an atelectasis:

  • Allergic (allergica) – is connected with a spasm of bronchial tubes and hypostasis of their mucous membrane; has an allergic origin;
  • Aspiration (aspirationis) – is connected with hit in a bronchial tube together with the inhaled air of any foreign body;
  • Acinous (acinosa; synonym: an atelectasis lobular) – an atelectasis of the site of a lung which corresponds to a terminal bronchiole, arising against the background of its impassability;
  • Inborn (congenita; synonym: an atelectasis primary) – an atelectasis of not functioning lungs or parts of lungs, for example, at premature or mortinatus children;
  • Dizontogenetichesky (dysontogenetica) – an inborn atelectasis of a part of a lung, is connected with anomaly of development of a bronchial tree;
  • Discal (discoidea; synonym: an atelectasis lamellar) – an atelectasis of the small site of lungs;
  • Share (lobaris) – the obturatsionny or compression atelectasis developing within one lung lobe;
  • Compression (compressiva; synonym: the lung collapse) – is caused by a prelum of pulmonary fabric from the outside;
  • Obturatsionny (obturatoria) – an atelectasis of the site of a lung, is connected with obstruction or an obliteration of the corresponding bronchial tube;
  • Focal (focalis) – an atelectasis of small sites of a lung, is caused by impassability of the corresponding bronchial tubes;
  • Parapneumonic (parapneumonica; the Greek para-prefix – near + Greek pneumon – a lung) – develops around the pneumonia centers;
  • Acquired (acquisita; synonym: an atelectasis secondary) – an atelectasis in normally functioning before easy;
  • Reflex (reflectoria) – the extensive or total atelectasis which developed because of a reflex bronchospasm;
  • Segmented (segmentalis) – the obturatsionny or compression atelectasis which developed within one bronchopulmonary segment;
  • Total (totalis) – a full atelectasis of lungs (one or both);
  • Physiological (physiologica) – an atelectasis of a parenchyma of edges of lungs in the conditions of normal lung ventilation;
  • Functional (functionalis; synonyms: the atelectasis is hypoventilating, an atelectasis distenzionny) – an atelectasis adjacent to a backbone or lower parts of lungs because of their insufficient ventilation at the bed weakened patients.
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