Main > Medical terms> Atrophy of an optic nerve

Atrophy of an optic nerve

Atrophy of an optic nerve (atrophia nervi optici; and - – otritsa. Greek trophe – food) – destruction of fibers of an optic nerve with its atrophy, substitution by connecting fabric and a neuroglia is frequent +; it is caused by degenerative or inflammatory process; it is shown by loss or decrease in sight.

Allocate the following types of an atrophy of an optic nerve:

  • Secondary (secundaria) – is caused by pathological process in the field of an eyeground;
  • Glaukomatozny (glaucomatosa) – arises at glaucoma because of long increase in intraocular pressure;
  • Primary (primaria; synonym: the atrophy of an optic nerve simple) – arises without the previous changes of an eyeground; it is caused by injury of a nerve or diseases of the central nervous system;
  • Full (completa) – covers all fibers of an optic nerve; it is characterized by loss of sight and lack of a forward pupillary test on light;
  • Progressing (progressiva) – is characterized by the aggravated deterioration in sight and oftalmoskopichesky symptoms;
  • Stabilized (stabilis) – is characterized by lack of further changes of an oftalmoskopichesky picture and visual acuity;
  • Tabic (tabetica) – primary atrophy of an optic nerve at tabes dorsalis;
  • Partial (partialis; synonym: the atrophy of an optic nerve incomplete) – destruction covers only parts of nerve fibrils; it is characterized by preservation of a forward pupillary test on light and partial loss of sight.
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