Main > Medical terms> Bacteria


Bacteria (bacteria, unities. h bacterium) – the microorganisms which are characterized by lack of an accurate nuclear membrane thereof considered as more primitive in comparison with animal and plant cells (action of overwhelming number of antibiotics is directed to destruction of walls of bacterial cells). The majority of bacteria are one-celled, at the same time cells can have the following forms: spherical (coccus), spiral-shaped (sperilla), rhabdoid (bacillus), spiral (spirochete) and in the form of a comma (vibrio). The sizes of bacteria usually vary from 0,5 to 6 microns. Mobile individuals possess one or several short moustaches departing from their surface (from a cell wall). Many bacteria have the capsule – a thick layer of considerably ovodnenny material; property under unfavorable conditions to form the based forms keeping viability throughout the long period is inherent in some of them (such as endospore). Bacteria by simple cell fission breed (бесполо); at incomplete division of daughter cells there can be catenation and other forms. In the presence of a dense medium reproduction of bacteria is resulted by the colonies representing visible concentrations of cells. Some of them have the filamentous form, similar to a form of fungi. Separate species of bacteria are capable to be reproduced sexually by means of pairing (conjugation). Bacteria are widespread almost everywhere. They can live in water, the soil or air, and also to parasitize in an organism of plants, animals or the person. Separate types do not do harm to the carriers while others can become causative agents of various diseases.

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