Main > Medical terms> Hallucinosis


Hallucinosis (hallucinosis; lat. hallucinatio – visions, nonsense + Greek - Usis (словообраз. a suffix) – a disease; synonym: a syndrome hallucinatory) – a psychopathological syndrome which is characterized by the plentiful hallucinations which in certain cases are followed by nonsense.

Types of gallyutsinoz:

  • Alcoholic (synonym: hallucinatory insanity of drunkards, устар.) – develops at alcoholism; it is characterized by dominance of true verbal hallucinations of unpleasant contents in combination with motive excitement with impulsive acts, hallucinatory nonsense; arises against the background of clear consciousness;
  • – is followed crazy by nonsense which according to the contents is closely connected with the maintenance of hallucinations, and also resistant conviction in reality of hallucinations;
  • Verbal (verbalis) – is characterized by verbal hallucinations; develops against the background of acute alcoholic psychosis, various intoxications, etc.;
  • Visual (visualis) – proceeds with dominance of visual hallucinations; develops at the dulled consciousness;
  • Olfactory (olfactoria) – proceeds with dominance plentiful, in most cases unpleasant olfactory hallucinations;
  • Acute (acuta) – develops suddenly, has reversible character, proceeds without stupefaction with dominance of verbal, is more rare than visual or tactile hallucinations in a combination to fear, alarm and nonsense;
  • Pedunkulyarny (peduncularis; synonyms: hallucinosis is mezentsefalny, the lermitta hallucinosis) – visual hallucinosis, is characterized by variability, mobility, mass character, the small sizes of visual objects and the scenic nature of hallucinations; it is observed at focal defeats in area of legs of a mesencephalon;
  • Syphilitic (syphilitica) – chronic verbal hallucinosis against the background of a vascular form of syphilis of a brain;
  • Difficult (complexa; synonym: the hallucinosis mixed) – a combination of tactile, visual, auditory and other hallucinations;
  • Tactile (tactilis) – proceeds with feeling on a body of crawling or stings of small living beings, in more exceptional cases – existence of inanimate objects under skin or on a body surface; it is more often observed at advanced age;
  • Toxic (toxica) – is caused by chronic intoxication;
  • Chronic (chronica) – proceeds for many years with a wavy or continuous current with auditory and/or tactile hallucinations.
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