Gamma radiation – photon (electromagnetic indirectly ionizing) the radiation which is formed at annihilation of particles, nuclear transformations or change of a power condition of atomic kernels; has the expressed biological effect.
Our kidneys are capable to clear three liters of blood in one minute.
You are office worker, the driver, the fan of winter sports or do not think of life without bicycle? You conduct a slow-moving image жизн...
Section: Articles about healthThe chia plant, or the Spanish sage, is from South America. The indigenous people of the continent since ancient times used its seeds in food: small, but very nutritious kernels, in a form the reminding fasolina. Indians knew about useful properties of seeds of a chia, and applied...
Section: Articles about healthSooner or later hair turn gray at all. Many people try to hide these changes, returning natural color of the hair by means of coloring, or considerably changing it for the purpose of creation of absolutely new image. All know that the gray hair is a sign of the coming old age, so, it is necessary to get rid of it....
Section: Articles about healthPractically each person is familiar with the annoying, pulling, unscrewing pains caused by overcooling of muscles of a back. In некото...
Section: Articles about healthThe naturopathy sometimes moves as the new direction of medicine, something like fashionable hobby, and there is nothing farther from the truth. This most ancient direction, the word "naturopathy" is translated as "treatment by the nature", and, no doubt, treatment приро...
Section: Articles about healthWhen overcomes feeling of hunger, and an opportunity to have dinner fully is absent, having a snack − the meals, small on volume, stabilizing sugar level in blood comes to the rescue. The relation of nutritionists to having a snack more often negative, but only because as snack people choose the most caloric products with the increased amount of "bystry" carbohydrates: cookies, rolls, chips, candies. Nevertheless, the advantage of having a snack is obvious to weight loss: the person avoids strong feeling of hunger...
Section: Articles about healthEach person has easy indispositions which he transfers "standing", trying not to ask for medical care. Argu...
Section: Articles about healthDiseases of joints often begin imperceptibly for the person. The first stages of destruction of the cartilaginous tissue providing soft and free sliding of heads of bones in joint bags proceed slowly and absolutely without serious consequences. Especially unpleasantly for that this пр...
Section: Articles about healthThe saying "the rich do not know how the other half lives" is known to all. In a broad sense it is that we can not always understand the person whose features of a state are unknown to us. If with physiological characters of diseases the situation is more or less clearly (having noticed them, we realize that to the person nezdorovitsya), then with symptoms of the illnesses affecting the mental sphere everything is much more difficult. Not absolutely usual behavior is quite often perceived surrounding as a ridiculous eccentricity, or that much ху...
Section: Articles about healthWhat they, women? Beautiful, gentle, passionate and at the same time windy, gusty, and nervous. And what is stranger: all эт...
Section: Articles about healthLife expectancy in various regions of Earth is not identical. Social stability, economic wellbeing, availability and level of medical care, household comfort, literacy of the population in the field of observance sanitary гигиен exert impact on it...
Section: Articles about healthThe pancreas performs two functions in a human body: release of enzymes without which digestion of carbohydrates, fats and proteins, and a producing hormones is impossible. The most important of them - insulin, is the main participant of carbohydrate metabolism normalizing processes of education and utilization of glucose, the main energy source for an organism....
Section: Articles about healthFor anybody not a secret that our country is one of the most "drinking" in the world. At clear understanding of that the use of strong...
Section: Articles about healthAll of us, unfortunately, should face flu nearly an every year. It would seem, so frequent disease has to be studied already up and down, and each person, at least once by it had (and the number of such people in our country aims at 100%), a dolzha...
Section: Articles about healthAccording to doctors, more than a half of men of 25-50 years suffer from frustration of the urinogenital sphere, but the minority sees a doctor from them. And in vain - even the insignificant discomfort in the field of generative organs can serve as a symptom of an illness fraught with grave consequences for health. So - after 40 years - it is easy for most widespread disease of the sexual sphere of men to pass the first symptoms of prostatitis (weight in the bottom of a stomach, decrease in a libido), having written off for overfatigue and fatigue. Let's consider...
Section: Articles about healthOne of the useful properties presented to the person by the nature is ability to feel fear. This ability is called a signal...
Section: Articles about healthHistory of mankind contains several tens of epidemics whose emergence was compared by eyewitnesses and historians to doomsday. The most terrible of them claimed the lives of millions of people, having made even the whole people to the person of the earth. What they − the diseases striking terror? Daringly...
Section: Articles about healthFor the help to doctors in the choice of optimal solutions for treatment of various diseases the Cochrane scientific organization (Cochrane) conducts joint researches with representatives of scientific community around the world. The analysis of a series of the conducted researches of the drug Oscillococcinum® relating to group of cold remedies became one of the last methanolyses....
Section: Articles about healthWe present to yours the TOP of the medicamentous means exerting the stimulating impact on a potentiality, i.e. on ability of a muzhcha...
Section: Articles about health"Epilepsy" doctors made the diagnosis in antique times. Displays of an illness and pattern of its development are very well studied. However for nonspecialists this disease remains to not less mysterious, than in the ancient time. Many delusions are connected with epilepsy...
Section: Articles about healthThe problem of diagnosis was and remains to one of the most important in medicine. From that, the reason of an indisposition of the patient will be how precisely defined, eventually success of treatment depends. In spite of the fact that the majority of the diagnostic methods applied in official clinical practice has very high informational content and reliability, mistakes directed by diagnoses nevertheless are not excluded....
Section: Articles about healthAbility of an organism to resist to adverse environmental factors (to impact of temperature drops, humidity and pressure...
Section: Articles about healthPopular joke that there are no healthy people, and is nedoobsledovanny, most of us considers an honest truth, continually it is necessary to hear that all of us are sick hardly from a school bench. It is hard to say, whether so it actually because...
Section: Articles about healthOn the head of the person about one million hair follicles, or as they are called still, hair bulbs are located. At the time of the birth most of them is in the "sleeping" state, but within several weeks follicles become more active, and from them hair begin to grow. Intensity of this process is individual, and during life it can change. Genetic predisposition, a physical and emotional state, aggressive influence affects the growth rate of hair out of...
Section: Articles about healthOne of the major chemical processes happening in a human body are oxidation reactions. They go with participation of fats...
Section: Articles about healthKidneys perform the most important function of clarification of blood from those products of metabolic processes which cannot be used by an organism for obtaining energy and construction of new cells. With the urine produced by kidneys from a body of the person bulk is removed...
Section: Articles about healthAn eye of the person daily experiences considerable strain. The problem of preservation of sight is for many years directly connected with a question of supply of tissues of eye enough oxygen and nutrients. This task is carried out by small vessels – capillaries. For normal functioning of the visual device extremely important that they kept the integrity, but it works well not always. Microtraumas of eye vessels during which there are small hemorrhages it is extraordinary расп...
Section: Articles about health