Main > Medical terms> Hemeralopia


Hemeralopia (hemeralopia; Greek hemera – day + alaos – the blind person + opos, ops – an eye; synonyms: the blindness is a night, night blindness, a moonblink) – the sharp deterioration in sight noted in the conditions of the lowered illumination, caused by dysfunction of the bacillary light-sensitive device of a retina.

Types of a hemeralopia:

  • Alimentary (alimentaria) – the essential hemeralopia caused by shortage or absence in Retinolum food;
  • Inborn (congenita) – shown at youthful and children's age owing to inborn pathological changes of eyes;
  • Symptomatic (symptomatica) – noted at individual organic diseases of an optic nerve and/or retina, an eye choroid;
  • Essential (essentialis) – caused by disturbance of exchange of Retinolum in an organism (at liver diseases) or at its insufficient contents in food.
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