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Generalization in pathology

Generalization in pathology (generalisatio; lat. generalis – the general, main) – distribution on body or all organism of pathological process of the limited center.

Types of generalization:

  • hematogenous (haematogena) – as a result of advance with a blood flow of the agent causing pathological process;
  • intrakanalikulyarny (intracanalicularis; lat. intra – inside + canaliculus – a tubule) – owing to advance of the agent causing pathological process on cracks or natural channels (mainly on respiratory and uric ways, a digestive tract);
  • lymphogenous (lymphogena) – as a result of advance with current of a lymph of the agent leading to pathological process;
  • generalization of per continuitatem – occurring owing to increase (growth) in primary center of defeat;
  • mixed (mixta) – carried out as a result of distribution in various ways (lymphogenous, hematogenous other) the agent causing pathological process.
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