Hepatogenous (Greek hzpar, hzpatos – a liver + Greek genes – generated) – forming or originating in a liver; caused by damage of a liver.
To tell even the shortest and simple words, we involve 72 muscles.
It would seem, to buy drugs in Moscow does not make a problem – a drugstore, and not one, is available for each resident of the capital in step a toast...
Section: Articles about healthAbout 10-15 years ago existence of the computer in the apartment of the Russian was considered as a rarity and office rooms were only at the first stage of equipment by these useful devices. Today practically in each house there is a computer (and often not one), and to constants...
Section: Articles about healthThe climax, or menopause is the normal process of the termination of genital function of the woman which is followed by serious hormonal changes in an organism. Usually the menopause begins at the age of 50-55 years, but characteristics of this process are very individual. Factors of earlier approach of a climax are irregular sex life, numerous abortions, addictions, existence of endocrine, autoimmune and gynecologic diseases, frequent stresses and excessive hobby of diets...
Section: Articles about healthIn consciousness of our many compatriots idea that folk remedies if no more эфф strongly took roots...
Section: Articles about healthAbout influence of fasting days on an organism it is told much – both about advantages, and about shortcomings. It is considered that fasting day in the form of a short-term monodiet is useful, promoting effective removal of slags from an organism whereas irregular, it is excessive п...
Section: Articles about healthDietary supplements (dietary supplements) for the last decades were so thoroughly included into our life that, apparently, it is already impossible to find the person who at least once did not try them. At the same time, most of our compatriots have a vague idea of what dietary supplements as they affect a human body consist of and what differ from the real medicines in. Let's try to understand these questions, and at the same time and to understand, such additives are how necessary for us....
Section: Articles about healthFor the person who daily since morning gathers for work it is very important to wake up vigorous and ready by day of work. On most...
Section: Articles about healthSeparate food - the system of meal based on digestion physiology which is carried to improvement methods. According to nutritionists, the separate use of the carbohydrate and proteinaceous products demanding different conditions of assimilation helps to get rid from Bol...
Section: Articles about healthThe immunity role in growth of the child is invaluable. The proteins-immunoglobulins produced by immune system preserve the child against the diseases capable − owing to an organism weak still − to serve as a stressful factor, to become the reason of many complications and delays in development of the kid. If the immune system weakened, health of the child is under direct threat and needs active actions for strengthening of protective forces of an organism − preferably non-drug....
Section: Articles about healthTea is loved and use almost everything. This drink has tonic properties, contains the tannins capable podavlit...
Section: Articles about healthAll know that self-treatment is dangerous. However absolutely it is almost impossible to do without it. Rate of modern life does not allow to handle each small trouble to the doctor and information on ways of independent rendering medical the help...
Section: Articles about healthCold, puffiness of a nose, itch, the watering eyes - characteristic symptoms of the allergic rhinitis resulting from hit of allergens (pollen, house dust, hair of animals, etc.) on a mucous membrane of a nose. Unpleasant feelings often give trouble, serving as the reason of a headache, an acrimony, sleep disorders, and in certain cases and the states close to a depression. How to get rid of undesirable satellites of a disease if near at hand there are no antiallergic...
Section: Articles about healthThe unpleasant feelings connected with spring breakdown are familiar almost to each of us. Often happens that in March-April on the person...
Section: Articles about healthFor many women the word "fat" sounds as a sentence. In aspiration to an ideal figure they try to exclude, first of all, from the menu all dishes containing fats without having at the same time a clear idea of a role of these substances in exchange processes, and about an afterbirth...
Section: Articles about healthAccording to World Health Organization, every third inhabitant of Earth has excess weight, and every tenth has obesity. The reason of this phenomenon, according to specialists, roots in one not very comforting fact: most of people consume much more calories, than it is necessary. How it turns out what we overeat? Why it is so difficult to refuse an excess portion tasty or additives? Let's try to find out what factors prevent us to eat food with reasonable moderation....
Section: Articles about healthEpilepsy is one of widespread neurologic diseases. To parents, whose children suffer from this illness, it is necessary...
Section: Articles about healthHeart disease and blood vessels lead to disturbance of blood supply of bodies and fabrics that involves failures in their work, deterioration in health of the person, decrease in its working capacity and standard of living. Annually such perishes from pathologies more...
Section: Articles about healthEach woman has preferences in the field of use of those goods which help us to look good, feel young and effective. Besides: selection process of favourite perfume, shampoo or decorative cosmetics already lightens the mood and serves as a peculiar stress medicine. Happens very offensively when the acquired perfumery and cosmetic products not only do not meet our expectations, but also becomes the reason of problems with health. Sources неприятн...
Section: Articles about healthAll like to sing. Small children with pleasure are engaged in a vocal, not especially thinking of hit in a melody. Adults most often...
Section: Articles about healthThe saying "the rich do not know how the other half lives" is known to all. In a broad sense it is that we can not always understand the person whose features of a state are unknown to us. If with physiological characters of diseases the situation is more or less clearly (having noticed and...
Section: Articles about healthCold – a state known to everyone which is followed by cold, cough, high temperature, a pharyngalgia. Often the first that we begin to do in hope again to become healthy – to accept medicines which are not always harmless whereas it is easy to facilitate displays of a disease by means of natural means. They not only softly eliminate disease symptoms, but also enrich the weakened organism with useful substances. We present you 8 drinks which are successfully used for...
Section: Articles about healthModern footwear is extremely various. It stopped being only protection for legs long ago. Today shoes, boots, barefoot persons in...
Section: Articles about healthThe next flu epidemic leads to the next panic, from year to year we give in on these manipulations: professionally alarming voice of the announcer in news, reports with calculation of the died patients, an interview with people in white dressing gowns and advertizing of anti-influenza means ра...
Section: Articles about healthFor anybody not a secret that our country is one of the most "drinking" in the world. At clear understanding that the use of hard alcoholic drinks – occupation extremely harmful, most of Russians belong to alcoholism with unjustified loyalty. Apparently, existence of a set of myths in which tendency to excessive libations looks nearly positively is explained by it. It is worth getting acquainted with the most widespread of similar delusions and to be convinced in them not...
Section: Articles about healthIt is known that the person for 80% consists of water which participates in all processes of an organism. The person loses liquid daily – in...
Section: Articles about healthDark circles (bruises) under eyes – a shortcoming with most of which often fight against the help of cosmetics (proofreaders, saloon procedures and so forth), eliminating only its visibility. However, according to doctors, skin around eyes – the indicator of many disturbances in an organism...
Section: Articles about healthFor most of the working people the problem of having a snack is particularly acute enough. Sooner or later there is a question: what can be eaten quickly between a breakfast and a lunch or a lunch and leaving from service so that to receive necessary power feed, but not to overload an organism with harmful components or excess calories? We bring to your attention the list of products which quite conform to these requirements....
Section: Articles about health