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Thiopental – medicine for not inhalation anesthesia.Упаковка Тиопентал

Dosage form

Thiopental is produced in the form of lyophilisate for preparation of solution for intravenous injection, and also in the form of powder for preparation of solution for intravenous administration.

Pharmacological effect of Thiopental

Thiopental is derivative barbituric acid, has the all-anesthetizing and somnolent effect on an organism.

Has the oppressing effect on the vasomotor and respiratory centers, and on a myocardium. Use of Thiopental is resulted by decrease in a stroke output of heart and arterial pressure, the heart rate and a peripheral vazodilatation at the same time increases. In process of deepening of an anesthesia extent of these changes increases.

According to the instruction on Thiopental, its single dosage causes an anesthesia for 20-25 minutes.

Indications to Thiopental use

According to the instruction Thiopental is shown as anesthetic at incontinuous operative measures, and also for a basic and introduction anesthesia with the subsequent use of other means.


In the instruction to Thiopental the following contraindications are specified:

  • diabetes mellitus;
  • inflammatory diseases of a nasopharynx;
  • organic diseases of a liver and kidneys;
  • sharply expressed blood circulation disturbances;
  • bronchial asthma;
  • collapse;
  • severe exhaustion of an organism;
  • shock;
  • feverish states;
  • instructions in the anamnesis of the patient or his relatives of attacks of a porphyria.

Thiopental sodium should be applied with care at diseases of upper parts of respiratory tracts.

Route of administration of Thiopental and mode of dosing

According to the instruction Thiopental is entered intravenously, children can enter rektalno.

For intravenous administration the one-time dosage makes 3-10 mg on body weight kg, depending on age and a condition of the patient. Rektalno enter warm infusion to children up to three years. The dosage is expected, proceeding from 40 mg one year of life. At rectal administration of Thiopental to children from three to seven years the dosage undertakes at the rate of 50 mg for one year of life.

For adults the maximum one-time dosage makes 1 g.

Side effects of Thiopental

According to reviews Thiopental can cause Тиопентал во флаконахthe following by-effects:

  • Respiratory system: a bronchospasm, respiratory depression of various degrees of severity, a laryngospasm, increase in slime in bronchial tubes, at bystry introduction – an apnoea.
  • TsNS: an ataxy, block, dizziness that is connected with dozozavisimy oppression of TsNS. In the postoperative period memory disturbance is possible.
  • Alimentary system: hypersalivation.
  • Cardiovascular system: dozozavisimy reduction of arterial pressure. At bystry introduction the collapse is possible.
  • Allergic reactions: various skin manifestations.

Use of Thiopental during pregnancy and a lactation

Use of Thiopental during pregnancy and breastfeeding demands a ratio of risk and advantage for mother and the child.

Medicinal interaction

Thiopental, in connection with strong alkali reaction, is incompatible with the drugs having acid reaction (vitamin C, Epinephrinum, fenotiazina).

Special instructions

According to the instruction Thiopental raises a tone of a parasympathetic nervous system therefore before its use recommend to enter an adjusted dosage of atropine. Right after approach of an anesthesia it is recommended to check passability of respiratory tracts.

On condition of carrying out IVL drug can be used in a combination with muscle relaxants.

At elderly patients, and also at disturbances of protein metabolism, functions of kidneys and a liver duration of drug can increase.

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