Application instruction:
Trazhenta – hypoglycemic drug for intake.
This drug is produced in the form of round tablets of bright red color. Each of them has slanted edges and two sticking-out parties on one of which the symbol of the company is put, and on another – an engraving of "D5".
As it is told in the instruction to Trazhenta, the main component of one tablet is линаглиптин of 5 mg. Mannitolum (130,9 mg), prezhelatinizirovanny starch (18 mg), magnesium stearate (2,7 mg) belong to additional elements corn starch (18 mg), коповидон (5,4 mg). 5 mg are a part of a cover pink опадрай (02F34337).
It is possible to get Trazhenta in aluminum blisters (in one 7 tablets). For usability they are in cardboard packagings where it is possible to find 2, 4 or 8 blisters. 1 blister can contain also 10 tablets (in that case in packaging of their 3 pieces).
The main active ingredient of Trazhenta is enzyme inhibitor dipeptidilpeptidazy-4 (DPP-4) which quickly destroys inkretinovy hormones (GPP-1 and GIP) necessary for a human body for maintenance in it normal amount of glucose. Concentration of two of these hormones increase right after meal. If at blood there is a normal or slightly increased concentration of glucose, then in this case GPP-1 and GIP accelerate insulin biosynthesis, and also its allocation by a pancreas. Also GPP-1 promotes reduction of production of glucose in a liver.
Trazhenta's analogs and drug the action increase quantity of inkretin and, influencing them, force their quite long time to keep the active work. In responses to Trazhenta it is noted that this medicine promotes increase in glucodependent secretion of insulin and reduces secretion of a glucagon, thus, normalizing glucose level in blood.
In responses to Trazhenta it is told that this drug is prescribed to patients in whom the diabetes mellitus of the II type is found, and also:
In the instruction to Trazhenta it is accurately designated that drug is strictly forbidden to be accepted at a diabetes mellitus of the I type, at pregnancy, and also in the period of a lactation.
It is forbidden to appoint means to children whose age did not reach 18 years.
It is not necessary to use drug to people with diabetic ketoacidosis, and also those who has a hypersensitivity to separate components of drug.
In the instruction to Trazhenta it is told that drug should be accepted orally on 1 tablet a day before meal, in time or after food. Do not recommend to use more than one tablet a day.
Numerous medical researches show that the patients volunteers who were once accepting 600 mg of drug (120 tablets) did not do harm to the health. Today it is not recorded cases which would exceed the specified dosage.
In responses it is specified that if the patient accepted too high dose of drug, it is necessary to remove immediately yet not dissolved tablets from digestive tract, and also to ask Trazhenta for the help to the doctor who will be able to appoint the corresponding treatment.
It is strictly forbidden to accept Trazhenta and Trazhenta's analogs during pregnancy and a lactation. The experiments made on animals demonstrate that the main active ingredient of medicine gets into breast milk and exerts a negative impact on normal development and the newborn's life.
In cases of urgent need of reception of a linagliptin it is necessary to stop breastfeeding.
As it is told in responses to Trazhenta, the number of side effects after reception of this drug is to the identical number of negative actions after the placebo use.
After Trazhenta's reception there are following side reactions:
At the simultaneous use of Trazhenta or Trazhenta's analogs with Metforminum the nasopharyngitis, cough, pancreatitis, and also hypersensitivity to some components of drug is observed.
Accepting Trazhenta at once and derivatives of sulphonylurea, often there is cough, a nasopharyngitis, pancreatitis, a gipertriglitseridemiya and some patients become more sensitive to components of the analyzed medicine.
The concomitant use of a linagliptin and pioglitazon promotes increase in body weight, emergence of a nasopharyngitis, pancreatitis, cough, a lipidemia, and also hypersensitivity from immune system at certain patients.
At Trazhenta's use with derivatives of sulphonylurea and with Metforminum there is cough, a hypoglycemia, a nasopharyngitis, pancreatitis and sensitivity to means components increases.
In the instruction to Trazhenta it is stated that this medicine needs to be stored at a temperature up to 25 degrees in the dark place. Not to give in hands to children. The period of validity of drug makes 2,5 years.
Trazhenta is not appointed to people in whose organism diabetic ketoacidosis, and also a diabetes mellitus of the I type is recorded. Cases of emergence of a hypoglycemia at Trazhenta's reception as one possible medicine were equated to those that arise because of placebo.
Medical researches show that the probability of development of a hypoglycemia after a concomitant use of Trazhenta with other medicines which do not cause a hypoglycemia at all was similar after the placebo use.
Derivatives of sulphonylurea promote development of a hypoglycemia. For this reason, accepting them with linagliptiny, it is necessary to be careful. In certain cases the doctor can significantly lower a dosage of derivatives of sulphonylurea.
About the present days it is not recorded medical researches which would tell about Trazhenta's interaction with insulin. The patient with a heavy renal failure Trazhenta is appointed together with other hypoglycemic drugs.
Concentration of glucose best of all decreases if to accept Trazhenta's analogs or drug before food. Because of possible dizzinesses during use of this drug it is better not to take the wheel.
Name of drug
Trazhenta тбл 5 mg No. 30, Boehringer Ingelheim
1793 rub.
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