Main > Diseases> Trichophytosis



Dermatofitiya, a dermatomycosis, a trichophytosis or cutting deprive – all this of the name of one disease. The causative agent of this disease are sort fungi трихифитон. At a trichophytosis skin, nails and hair are surprised. Carriers of a disease are animals and people, preferential children's age. It is noticed that cutting deprive at the person who caught from an animal proceeds in more severe form.

Way of transfer of a dermatomycosis contact and household, through use of the objects and things inseminated by fungi and also contact with sick animals. I deprive a susceptibility to cutting at the person raises in the presence of damages on the surface of skin, reduced immunity, and also at long contact with a source of a disease, the increased air humidity and some other adverse factors.

Types of a trichophytosis

Depending on what type of the activator promoted development of a disease, distinguish superficial and an infiltrative purulent trichophytosis.

Superficial cutting deprive arises at infection with antroponozny dermafita at contact with the sick person. Most often this type of a disease is observed at children of younger and middle age.

The infiltrative and suppurative dermatomycosis appears as a result of infection of the person with zoonotic parasites whose owner is the animal. Here in risk group the people working in agriculture, and by the nature of service connected with care of animals.

Or cutting depriving symptoms of a superficial trichophytosis

At a superficial trichophytosis smooth skin, a pilar part of the head and nails are surprised. On site implementations of the activator the roundish spot of red or pink color appears. As the disease progresses, spots become more and more.

Characteristic difference of rashes at the person at the cutting herpes from other types of rashes is the roller from crusts, small knots and bubbles outlining spots and which is slightly raised over the surface of skin. In spots skin remains in steady-state condition, but the peeling can be observed. Quite often at patients the itch in the defeat centers is noted.

When the fungus is proved on a pilar part of the head, on places of defeat bald spots appear: hair thin and break off. Nails at a dermatomycosis grow dull, gain dirty-gray color, there is a thickening of a nail plate which then begins to crumble.

Sometimes superficial cutting deprive passes into a chronic form. Generally it occurs at those persons who during the acute course of a disease did not receive a full course of specific treatment. Teenage girls are especially subject to a chronic superficial trichophytosis. At the same time on skin the pruritic centers of a bluish shade with an insignificant peeling are formed. On the head the centers of defeat of the small size with the broken-off hair in them become noticeable.

Despite external unattractiveness, a trichophytosis or cutting deprive of special harm to a human body do not bring.

Infiltrative purulent trichophytosis

Инфильтративно-нагноительная трихофития

The centers at a trichophytosis of an infiltrative and suppurative look can appear on smooth skin and a pilar part of the head. Quite often the disease is shown in moustaches and a beard.

On site implementations of the activator develop purulent abscesses. At patients deterioration in health is noted, body temperature increases, nearby lymph nodes increase and hair begin to drop out.

The infection centers on smooth skin and in zones with indumentum represent roundish spots, dense and painful, with pronounced follicles with purulent contents. The cicatricial changes remaining after healing of the centers of a dermatomycosis on a pilar part of the head promote formation of the centers of full baldness.

Pakhovy dermatomycosis

In the special line among the diseases caused by fungi there is a pakhovy dermatomycosis. If at a usual trichophytosis the centers of defeat can be on the surface of skin of hands, legs or a trunk then, as appears from the name, the disease develops in areas of a groin, mentioning an anus, a crotch, genitals and the internal surface of a hip. Patients note morbidity in these parts, and also emergence of rashes and a peeling. Infection with an inguinal dermatomycosis occurs in the contact and household way: through public objects and at direct contact with the sick person.

Among complaints burning, an itch and a hyperemia in a crotch are noted. In the center of defeat there is relief rash of red color, skin becomes dry, it begins to be shelled and burst.

Most often men suffer from an inguinal dermatomycosis. The peak of incidence falls on hot season.

Treatment of a trichophytosis

Depending on a type of the activator, severity and clinical displays of a disease or cutting depriving treatment of a trichophytosis it can be carried out as out-patient conditions, and in a hospital.

It is necessary to remember that, despite availability of medicines, treatment cutting depriving only the specialist as many antifungal drugs can have an adverse effect on work of a liver has to appoint.

Лечение легкой степени трихофитии - противогрибковые мази

At easy degrees of a trichophytosis happens rather local processing of the centers of defeat by the ointments having antifungal effect. Lamizil, Mitseleks, Mikatin, Clotrimazolum and some other drugs treat them. The quite good result is yielded greasing by spirit tincture of iodine or sulfur-salicylic ointment. Depriving duration of the course of treatment cutting – one-two weeks, for prevention of a recurrence of ointment are used within a week after disappearance of all symptoms.

Antifungal means for intake are appointed at deep damages of nails, skin and a pilar part of the head. Grizeofulvin and Nizoral have good medical effect. Daily administration of drug is reasonable until the analysis on fungi does not become negative. Further medicine is applied at first every other day within two weeks, then two times a week within 14 days.

In cases of an infiltrative and suppurative form of a trichophytosis or cutting depriving against the background of antifungal therapy lotions with solutions of silver nitrate or Ichthyolum are used.

If nail plates are strongly struck, then they are subject to removal.

Prevention cutting depriving also of its recurrence

Very important place in prevention of a trichophytosis is allocated to observance of rules of personal hygiene. It is not recommended to use someone else's towels and bathing accessories. At visit of baths, saunas, pools, beaches and other potentially dangerous in respect of infection with a fungus of places it is necessary to use rubber slippers. Planned survey of animals by the veterinarian will allow to reveal cutting in time deprive at domestic animals.

If at the person cutting deprive, for the prevention of a recurrence of its thing are exposed to washing in hot water and whenever possible disinfection. Indoors, where he lives, processing of all surfaces is carried out by disinfectants.

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