Main > Food stuffs> Fennel


Fennel – a herbaceous annual plant from family Umbrella, in the nature exists only one its look – fennel odorous (garden). It is widespread everywhere. This plant is widely used in cookery, and also in cosmetology and medicine. Medicinal properties of fennel were known in Ancient Greece and Rome where it was used at treatment of a headache.


In this plant all its parts – leaves, stalks, roots and seeds are useful. During an aestivo-autumnal season we try to eat as much as possible fennel and we prepare it for the winter.

Useful properties of fennel

This plant has many curative properties because of the rich structure. First of all, fennel is a source of vitamins (And, B, C, E, PP) and minerals. Essential oil most of which of all contains in fennel seeds has also very useful properties. A smell of this oil spicy and acute, it is widely used to traditional and official medicine, cosmetology and cookery.

Fennel possesses carminative, diuretic, expectorant, hypotensive, laxative action. It helps to improve work of digestive tract, expands vessels, normalizes a metabolism. Treatment by fennel helps at diseases of kidneys, a liver, biliary tract, at coronary heart disease, arterial hypertension, atherosclerosis and many other pathologies.

Antiseptic and bactericidal properties are characteristic of essential oil of this plant, also use it for removal of toxins and slags from an organism. Fennel helps at a meteorism, abdominal pains of spastic character, colitis, a lock. This plant is outwardly applied to treatment of diseases of eyes.

If you are going to use this plant in the medical purposes – surely consult with the doctor, harm of fennel is a little exaggerated, but nevertheless exists.

Use of fennel in traditional medicine

Treatment by fennel helps at atonic locks. For this purpose use infusion of seeds which can be prepared as follows: 2 tablespoons of seeds are filled in with 500 ml of boiled water, and infuses within 30 minutes. It is necessary to accept infusion on 80-90ml 3 times a day in 15-20 minutes prior to meal.

At gastritis (with a hyperoxemia) it is recommended to accept mix from juice of fennel and honey (on 1 teaspoon).

Infusion of seeds of fennel is shown at an idiopathic hypertensia. He prepares so: 2 tablespoons of the pounded seeds are filled in with 500 ml of boiled water, infuses within an hour, is filtered. It is necessary to accept infusion 3-4 times a day to food on 1-2 tablespoon. Besides the regular use of greens of fennel for prevention of atherosclerosis is recommended.

Also infusion of seeds of fennel helps at locks, colitis. 4 teaspoons of the pounded seeds fill in 500 ml of boiled water, insist within an hour. It is necessary to accept infusion twice a day on 1/3 – ½ glasses.

At infantile gripes "dill water" which prepares from seeds of this plant well helps. For this purpose 1/2 teaspoon of the crushed seeds is filled in by 100 ml of boiled water, insist within 1 hour, then filter, cool. Every day it is necessary to prepare fresh infusion, it is not recommended to store it. It is necessary to accept "dill water" to babies before feeding on 1 teaspoon (only 4-5 times a day). In modern pharmacology mean solution on the basis of other plant by "dill water" – fennel as it is more effective in fight against gripes and the increased gas generation at newborns.

At adults at a meteorism infusion of seeds of fennel also helps. For its production 2 tablespoons of seeds should be filled in with 1 liter of boiled water and to insist within 1 hour, then to filter. Infusion is accepted inside by 3 times a day on 120 ml before food.

Treatment by fennel helps at night enuresis, for this purpose 4 teaspoons of the crushed seeds fill in 250 ml of water and insist during the night in a thermos. To accept 1/3 glasses in the morning within 10 days, at desire it is possible to sweeten infusion with honey.

At anemia it is possible to use leaves and seeds of fennel. 1 tablespoon of the crushed leaves (or seeds) is filled in by 250 ml of milk and boil on slow fire, for 10 minutes. It is necessary to drink broth within 1 day in 3 receptions.

Useful properties of fennel will help at sleeplessness and nervous excitement. For treatment of these states powder of seeds of fennel on 1 g 3 times a day to food is appointed.

Broth of seeds of this plant is used outwardly for washing of eyes at conjunctivitis and other diseases. For preparation of broth 2 of a teaspoon of seeds boil within 10 minutes in 250 ml of water, then cool and filter. It is necessary to wash out eyes and to foment only fresh solution, it is impossible to store it.

Laktogonny properties of fennel make him the irreplaceable assistant for the feeding mothers. Infusion of seeds of this plant is drunk by 2 times a day on ½ glasses. Besides fennel is a part of ready teas for strengthening of a lactation (for example, Laktovit).

For the purpose of improvement of work of kidneys, a liver and intestines dill tea is recommended.

As fennel has the antiseptic and rejuvenating properties it widely apply at preparation of creams, masks and lotions. It is possible to prepare the special rejuvenating broth from fennel (1 tablespoon), leaves of raspberry, hop, currant (on 1 teaspoon) and a dry apple peel (1 tablespoon). All components fill in with 1 liter of water, bring to boiling on slow fire and cook within 10 minutes. After that broth is filtered and used on 1 glass twice a day (best of all between meals).

Картофель с укропом

Fresh greens of fennel can be used for preparation of the bleaching mask. For this purpose 100 g of sour cream mix with 1 tablespoon of the crushed fresh greens and put for 20-30 minutes.

At acne rash it is possible to use masks from fresh greens of fennel and ovalbumin. The mask is put on a face for 15-20 minutes, it is necessary to wash away cool water. The course of treatment makes 2 weeks.

It is possible to take also baths with this plant for the purpose of rejuvenation and giving of a tone to skin. In a bathtub with hot water it is necessary to lower 1 bunch of fennel and to leave it for 15-20 minutes.

Harm of fennel can appear because of excessive interest in self-treatment with use of this plant, especially in combination with other means. Surely consult at the pediatrician if you are going to give to the baby dill water. Not to suffer harm of fennel do not use it if you have a lowered pressure.

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