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Ultrafonoforez – the technique based on administration of medicamentous antiinflammatory drugs Процедура ультрафонофорезunder the influence of ultrasonic influence.

Under the influence of the device of an ultrafonoforez there is an activation of cellular exchange, a lymphatic drainage and blood circulation. Medicinal ультрафонофорез provides warming up, deep micromassage, saturation of fabrics with oxygen, increase in elasticity of connecting fabric due to recovery of collagenic and elastinovy fibers.

Ultrafonoforez influences level рН fabrics, increases activity of a metabolism and enzymes. The procedure of an ultrafonoforez represents process of administration of medicines by means of ultrasound, is applied at chronic inflammations, cicatricial fabric, various diseases of joints and muscles. Use of the device of an ultrafonoforez influences permeability of epidermis, a wall of vessels and cellular membranes that in turn allows to enter freely into skin active components and substances.

Use of an ultrafonoforez

Use of a medicinal ultrafonoforez improves a lymph drainage and blood circulation, normalizes work of sebaceous glands, nourishes skin with oxygen and increases its elasticity, helps to get rid of hems, cellulitis and extensions.

The procedure of an ultrafonoforez of the person lasts 10-30 minutes 2-3 times a week, and duration of a course makes 13-15 procedures. During an ultrafonoforez apply special medical gels or drugs which under the influence of ultrasound the easy massing movements get into skin on skin. According to reviews, ультрафонофорез updates face skin, does it soft and fresh.

Medicinal ультрафонофорез also effectively reduces fat content of skin, narrows pores, softens and rassasyvat hems and consolidations, reduces quantity and depth of wrinkles, bruises around eyes and hypostases, and also levels a skin relief.

The procedure of an ultrafonoforez is applied at:

  • Disturbances of a lipometabolism;
  • Treatment of extensions and hems;
  • Treatment of cellulitis;
  • Disturbances of a lymph drainage and blood circulation;
  • Treatment of acne rash;
  • To prevention and correction of wrinkles;
  • Rehabilitations of skin after surgical intervention.

Use of an ultrafonoforez, according to reviews, increases penetration of cosmetics, and the effect of their use becomes much more noticeable.

Use of an ultrafonoforez, according to reviews, is especially effective at treatment of acne rash, and for achievement of the best result it is recommended to combine the procedure of an ultrafonoforez with ultrasonic cleaning. By means of ultrasound it is possible to carry out deep cleaning of a time, to increase permeability of skin and to strengthen diffusion, and then to enter cosmetic and medicines into deep layers of epidermis. Ultrasound not only deeply clears skin, but also improves permeability of cells, stimulates microcirculation, oxygenates a cell, increases elasticity of epidermis and tones up muscles.

Medicinal Проведение лекарственного ультрафонофорезаультрафонофорез is the efficient procedure for treatment of cellulitis of the first and second stage. For holding a procedure it is necessary to prepost cleaning of skin, and then to apply anti-cellulite cream or gel. Intensity of ultrasonic influence fluctuates in the range from 0,8 to 0,9 watts/cm2. Duration of the procedure is formed 10-20 minutes, and for achievement of steady effect it is necessary to conduct the course consisting of 10-20 procedures with possible repetition in 2-3 months.

Contraindications to an ultrafonoforez

The procedure of an ultrafonoforez is contraindicated at eczemas, herpes, paralysis of a facial nerve, acute infectious and viral diseases, malignant and benign tumors of face skin, neuralgia of trigeminal and orbital nerves, permanent expansion of small vessels, oncological diseases and general diseases of skin.

Also ультрафонофорез it is contraindicated at pregnancy and in the period of a lactation, acute thrombophlebitis, disturbance of a heart rhythm, an ischemic disease, diseases of endocrine system, an idiopathic hypertensia, after holding a procedure of a chemical peeling and within the first three months after maxillofacial operations.

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