The urography is carried out for a research of a condition of kidneys: to the patient enter contrast and do x-ray films. For this reason the similar method of studying of a condition of kidneys is called contrast urography. Ability of the entered contrast to detain X-ray is the cornerstone of a method: at first dye collects in kidneys, after it is emitted with bodies of urinogenital system, and it gives the chance to estimate their condition.
Appoint urography to patients with suspicion to stones of kidneys, an infection of urinogenital ways, in the presence of blood in urine which can signal about an acute inflammation or cancer, at injuries of urinary tract.
Distinguish survey, intravenous, excretory urography.
So call x-ray inspection of kidneys by means of which diagnose tumors, parasitic diseases, foreign bodys and stones in kidneys and often this first inspection which is appointed to the patient at suspicion of pathologies of function of kidneys at it.
The survey urography gives the chance to study a condition of kidneys, beginning from their upper poles and up to the beginning of an urethra.
Appoint survey urography when it is necessary to study in addition bones of a skeleton, a shadow of kidneys, their form and an arrangement, to estimate the general condition and functionality of other urinogenital bodies: bladder, ureters.
The technique is based on secretory function of kidneys and the majority of pictures, do while kidneys began to excrete contrast.
The excretory urography allows to estimate intensity and time of filling of a pelvis, a bladder with liquid, a form, the sizes, uniformity, an arrangement of stones and the found new growths (cysts, tumors), features of a structure of a bladder, other bodies of an urinary system.
This method of contrast urography is that to the patient with an empty bladder enter contrast and do pictures while kidneys incorporate it from blood and accumulate: the first two minutes, in 4-5 min. and in 7 min. after contrast introduction.
The roentgenograms received after intravenous urography display kidneys, a pelvis and ureters, a bladder, a prostate gland. By means of intravenous urography it is possible to reveal tumors, cysts, stones, expansions of cavities of kidneys (a hydroureter, a hydronephrosis), pathological wrinkling and stretching, a hyperplasia of fabrics of bodies of urinogenital system.
Usually before urography of kidneys to the patient appoint to take a blood test for studying of its biochemical structure – so exclude a renal failure at which it is impossible to conduct examination.
In two days prior to carrying out urography the patient is recommended to exclude products, defiant excessive gas generation from the diet.
In three hours prior to the procedure is it is not allowed. If the doctor considers necessary, it is possible to accept laxative the day before.
The patient before carrying out urography of kidneys has to inform the doctor on those medicine which takes, on existence of an allergy to iodine drugs.
Just before inspection it is necessary to remove from himself the objects containing metal: jewelry, glasses, prostheses, etc.
The procedure is painless, no more than one and a half hours last. The patient can be in lying situation or in a standing position.
The contrast urography is contraindicated to pregnant women and the feeding women.
There are side effects after the procedure seldom, but such responses of patients are recorded:
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