Main > Drugs> Vagotil


ВаготилVagotil belongs to group of antiseptic drugs and is used for topical administration.

Form of release and structure

Drug is produced in the form of solution for topical administration of 36% (in bottles of dark glass on 50 g).

Active ingredient of Vagotil is поликрезулен, as an auxiliary component solution contains the water demineralized.

Indications to use

Use of Vagotil is reasonable at:

  • Vaginitakh, the caused Candida albicans and Trichomonas vaginalis;
  • Erosion of a neck of uterus and vagina;
  • The bleedings caused by removal of polyps, carrying out a diagnostic biopsy and electrothermic coagulation of an erosion of a neck of uterus;
  • The hardly healing wounds, including trophic ulcers of a shin;
  • Small surgical and dental interventions for the purpose of a hemostasis.


Vagotil is contraindicated:

  • In the period of periods at treatment of gynecologic diseases;
  • During pregnancy and a lactation;
  • At hypersensitivity to drug components.

At treatment of gynecologic diseases it is necessary to refuse sex life, and also to refrain from use of soap solutions at hygienic procedures.

With care drug is used when carrying out dental operations at patients with caries.

Route of administration and dosage

Vagotil is intended only for topical administration.

At treatment of an erosion of a neck of uterus and vagina 2-3 times a week are necessary (but no more than 10 days) to impose the tampon impregnated with drug for 1-3 minutes then to remove excess of drug with a dry tampon.

At ulcers, burns, cracks of a mucous membrane and the solution prepared by way of cultivation of 10-15 ml of solution of Vagotil to 1 l of warm water is applied to syringing of a vagina.

When using drug for the purpose of a hemostasis it is necessary to impose on the bleeding place for 1-3 minutes the tampon impregnated with drug.

Side effects

Use of Vagotil can cause the following side effects:

  • Allergic reactions: local irritation, rash, itch, burning, anaphylaxis;
  • At application on a mucous membrane of an oral cavity: damage of an adamantine substance of tooth;
  • At implementation of gynecologic procedures: hypostasis of a vulva and vagina, reddening, feeling of a foreign body in a vagina.

Special instructions

Vagotil is applied strictly on doctor's orders.

It is necessary to avoid hit of drug on an adamantine substance of tooth in the course of implementation of dental procedures. If there was a contact of drug with teeth, it is necessary to rinse carefully an oral cavity warm water.

At treatment by Vagotil, other medicines intended for topical administration are not appointed.

In vulval smears of the HIV-positive patients receiving поликрезулен the increased concentration of copies of VICh-1 RNA is found that can facilitate infection of the partner.


Vagotil has no structural analogs, for purpose of drug with similar therapeutic effect it is necessary to see a doctor.

Terms and storage conditions

Drug is strong acid therefore the treatment of him demands care.

Period of validity – 3 years to store in dry, protected from light and the place, unavailable to children, at a temperature not above 25 °C.

Whether you know that:

At regular visit of a sunbed the chance to develop a carcinoma cutaneum increases by 60%.