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Bathtubs for weight loss

Одним из основных преимуществ ванн для похудения является улучшение состояния кожиThere are many ways to improve a figure. It is possible to choose any which will please. Besides, nobody stirs these ways to combine successfully. If you dream to lose weight, get rid of extensions and cellulitis, we recommend to pay attention to such method as bathtubs for weight loss. There is a set of recipes of house bathtubs for weight loss about some of which it will be told in this article.

Efficiency of bathtubs for weight loss

According to reviews, bathtubs for weight loss are very effective at their course use. Some in a month after regular use got rid of 10 excess kilograms. But, to achieve such impressive result, there will be few one bathtubs. It is recommended to combine them with restrictions in food, namely – with an exception of greasy food and fancy bread.

The considerable advantage in bathtubs for weight loss consists in improvement of a condition of skin – it becomes gentle and fresh, is smoothed, extensions become almost invisible or disappear at all. Skin considerably is tightened, becomes elastic and elastic. Thanks to all these effects quite often bathtubs for weight loss are called also bathtubs for rejuvenation.

The general rules how to take baths for weight loss

  • Baths for weight loss should be taken in a sitting position, being in water approximately on a belt;
  • At emergence of any discomfort or the strengthened heartbeat acceptance of a bathtub should be stopped;
  • At least for an hour before acceptance of a bathtub and an hour more after it you should not eat food;
  • According to reviews, bathtubs for weight loss, as well as any other, you should not accept during monthly and in the period of diseases.

It is possible to take baths for weight loss only in the absence of contraindications which various cardiovascular diseases are. In the presence of any chronic diseases it is recommended to consult previously with the doctor.

Soda bathtubs for weight loss

Bathtubs with soda enjoy quite deserved popularity. They not only effectively save from excess weight, but also promote relaxation of muscles. Soda bathtubs for weight loss are fine means for a relaxation, especially after intensive exercise stresses. At the end of the day of work will also not prevent to take a soda bath – it will help to take off fatigue and to get rid of negative emotions which collected in a day.

The soda bathtub helps to clear lymphatic system and to stir up its activity. Also it has the softening effect on skin of a body and the person. Skin becomes the first bathtub, smooth, soft and gentle after acceptance, with soda.

Soda bathtubs for weight loss also effectively help to get rid of inflammatory and allergic reactions, well influence a nervous system, have the expressed anti-cellulite effect.

However it is necessary to know that the positive effect of a bathtub for weight loss with soda is rendered only at observance of healthy nutrition. At excess consumption of food soda bathrooms will not help to get rid of excess weight.

Contraindication for bathtubs for weight loss with soda is the diabetes mellitus, various chronic diseases and high arterial pressure.

Water temperature for a soda bathtub should not exceed 38 degrees. It is necessary to add about 200 g of baking soda to a bathtub and to wait for its full dissolution.

Turpentine bathtubs for weight loss

Скипидарные ванны для похудения оказывают общий тонизирующий эффект Turpentine bathtubs have three versions: white, yellow and combined.

The white turpentine bathtub for weight loss stimulates skin capillaries and internals, has cumulative tonic effect. During reception of a white turpentine bathtub of people feels an easy pricking on skin. The bathtub clears an organism of pollution, accelerates a metabolism, increases arterial pressure. Everything together these effects help to get rid of excess weight.

The yellow turpentine bathroom for weight loss promotes disposal of deposits of salts and calcium in joints, reduces blood pressure, washes away the remains of devitalized cells and makes salutary impact on an organism. The yellow turpentine bathtub strengthens sweating therefore it will be especially useful to people with obesity and excess weight. According to reviews, the bathtub for weight loss with turpentine promotes strong loss of liquid an organism therefore to avoid dehydration, after it it is recommended to drink a lot of liquid.

For the mixed turpentine bathtubs use white and yellow emulsions. The mixed bathtubs for weight loss render high fat-burning effect, but it is necessary to begin with low doses of turpentine. Before beginning to take turpentine baths for weight loss, it is recommended to consult with the doctor.

To prepare a turpentine bathtub, it is necessary to gather in bathing water and to prepare a turpentine emulsion. Water temperature has to be a little lower than 36 degrees, and duration of the procedure should not be long – 5-15 minutes. The effect of acceptance of turpentine bathtubs will be swept up approximately through 15-18 similar bathtubs which are recommended to be accepted every other day. After a bathtub it is necessary to take a shower and to lie down under a warm blanket for an hour.

It is not recommended to take baths for weight loss with turpentine at heart failure, a myocardial infarction, the increased blood pressure, a stroke, and also during pregnancy and a lactation.

Salt bathtubs for weight loss

Sea salt as it contains the greatest number of chloride sodium best of all is suitable for salt bathtubs. Sea salt has a set of useful qualities as are present at it:

  • Bromine having the calming effect on a nervous system, helping with treatment of skin diseases;
  • Potassium which promotes clarification of cells from decomposition products;
  • The magnesium preventing allergic reactions, improving cellular exchange;
  • The iodine promoting removal of cholesterol and possessing antimicrobic action;
  • The calcium strengthening covers of cells.

Thus, bathtubs for weight loss with sea salt help to improve a condition of skin, improve its tone, do it tightened, fresh and elastic. Besides, salt carries out an irritant role on nerve terminations of blankets of skin that stimulates exchange processes. Saline solution promotes clarification of an organism from slags and toxins, strengthens immunity and calms nerves.

Before reception of salt bathtubs for weight loss it is necessary to clear a body a srub and to be rinsed under a shower as after a bathtub saline solution is not recommended to be washed away. For preparation of a bathtub it is necessary to take 0,1-1 kg (depending on desirable effect) to sea salt and to dissolve in water. It is necessary to consider that an upper half of a body has to be over water, otherwise problems with pressure can begin.

Optimum temperature of salt bathtubs for weight loss – 35-39 degrees. Hotter bathtubs render the expressed weakening effect, and colder – tonic. It is necessary to take a bath for 10-20 minutes several times a week.

Whether you know that:

The stomach of the person not bad copes with foreign objects and without medical intervention. It is known that the gastric juice is capable to dissolve even coins.