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Vegetarian diet

Characteristic of a diet Final assessment
Prodolzhitelnost:1-4 weeks

3,5 of 5

Vegetarianism – a disputable power supply system, but if to practice it is not constant, and to be limited several weeks, it is possible not to be afraid of negative effects for an organism.

The recommended chastota:lyuby
Speed of loss of weight:
Variety of products:

Still there is no consensus concerning advantage and harm of vegetarianism: one consider this type of food natural to the person and corresponding to a structure of its alimentary system, others are sure (and doctors agree with them) that animal protein is necessary for a human body for full functioning. How effective the diet based on the use of exclusively vegetable products and what features it has is?

The vegetarian diet will suit better those who have experience of restriction of meat in a diet. The basis of food is made by vegetables and fruit - they are rich with cellulose which helps to clear intestines and to adjust work of bodies of a GIT.

There are several options of a diet, some of them assume the use of fish. From the point of view of ideology, it is not absolutely right since vegetarianism means an exception of a meat diet, both fish, and seafood. Below the classical version of the Vegetarian diet is considered.

For the purpose of completion of a lack of protein it is necessary to use cottage cheese, milk, kefir and other dairy products.

Duration of the Vegetarian diet makes from one to four weeks. Within a month the diet allows to get rid of 6-10 kilograms.

Вегетарианская диета - диета, основанная на растительных продуктах


The products which are a part of a diet are easily digested and brought out of an organism that improves an intestines peristaltics, and helps to get rid of locks.

Thanks to frequent meals almost without restriction of the quantity eaten on a diet there is no feeling of hunger.

The accumulated experience of vegetarians, vegans and veganosyroyed convincingly proves efficiency of fruit and vegetable food for weight loss – among them people seldom meet excess weight. The advantage of vegetarianism for the people suffering from a diabetes mellitus of non-insulin-dependent type is established and confirmed officially.

Shortcomings and contraindications

Deficit of a protein in a diet can lead to an aggravation of symptoms of hair and nails, reduction of volume of muscles. Disturbances of functions endocrine and a musculoskeletal system are possible.

The vegetarian diet is optimum for summer and fall, in the rest of the time of year fruit and vegetables are more expensive and are not so useful.

What products are resolved?

All vegetables and fruit, grain, nuts and sunflower seeds, low-fat dairy products, grain products from coarse flour or whole grain.

From drinks – green tea and still water.

What products are prohibited?

Meat and fish, smoked products, canned food, sugar, alcohol, carbonated drinks.


By drawing up the menu of the Vegetarian diet it is necessary to alternate vegetables and fruit to dairy products.

The approximate menu of the Vegetarian diet for 3 days:

First day

Breakfast: porridge with dried fruits, tea or coffee.

Lunch: boiled haricot, cucumbers and tomatoes salad, yogurt.

Dinner: carrot or marrow cutlets, kefir or fermented baked milk.

Second day

Breakfast: a toast from whole-grain bread with a cucumber, tomato and cheese, coffee or tea.

Lunch: vegetable stew from potatoes, paprika, tomatoes and siliculose haricot, milk, banana.

Dinner: buckwheat cereal with vegetable gravy, fruit, juice.

Third day

Breakfast: pumpkin fritters with sour cream, coffee or tea.

Lunch: boiled rice, vinaigrette, fruit.

Dinner: handful of nuts, fermented baked milk.

Useful tips

Council 1: It is recommended to count the first week the daily number of calories to avoid possible deficit. Calculations will help to regulate quantity of eaten further.

Council 2: If the diet purpose – weight reduction, it is necessary to limit amount of fruit in a diet, especially bananas, grapes, a fig and dried fruits.

Council 3: For the purpose of completion of a lack of protein it is necessary to use cottage cheese, milk, kefir and other dairy products.

Whether you know that:

Four segments of dark chocolate contain about two hundred calories. So if you do not want to recover, better not to eat it is more than two segments in days.