Application instruction:
Venter – the antiulcerous drug having protective action on a mucous membrane of a duodenum and a stomach.
Dosage form of drug:
Active agent – сукральфат, in quantity is a part of drug:
The feeding and pregnant women should take drug with caution.
Venter the adult standardly appoint inside 0,5-1 g, frequency rate of reception – 4 times a day. Also it is possible to accept drug on 1 g 2 times a day (in the morning and in the evening) or on 2 g 2 times a day in 1 hour prior to food and before going to bed.
The maximum daily dose – 12 g. The average duration of therapy of a peptic ulcer – 4-6 weeks, in case of need – up to 12 weeks.
At patients with a hyperphosphatemia at decrease in concentration of phosphates in plasma the dosage can be reduced.
To children drug is appointed on 0,5 g by 4 times a day.
Tablets can be swallowed entirely, washing down with liquid, or also, as well as granules to dissolve before inclusion in 1/2 glasses of water.
At Venter's use the following side effects are possible:
In need of simultaneous use of Venter with antacids, they should be taken for half an hour to or in half an hour after administration of drug.
Emergence of spasms and drowsiness can indicate toxic influence of aluminum.
At a renal failure it is necessary to control concentration of phosphates and aluminum in serum.
Short therapy can lead to full scarring of an ulcer, but Venter's reception does not change weight and frequency of the recurrence of a peptic ulcer arising after scarring.
At simultaneous use of Venter:
Believe that at combined use formation of chelate complexes with sukralfaty Tobramycinum, colistin of sulfate, B Amphotericinum is possible that can lead to decrease in their antimicrobic activity.
To store in protected from light, the place, dry, unavailable to children, at a temperature up to 25 °C.
Period of validity – 3 years.
Name of drug
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