Main > Drugs> Loosestrife


Loosestrife – the perennial or biannual herbaceous plant belonging to family of the Primrose family.

Вербейник обыкновенныйIn the wild nature the plant prefers wet meadows, swamps and coastal water spaces. Blossoms at the end of June. Thickets of this plant can be met across all Europe, on the Crimean peninsula, in Russia, in Central Asia and in the Caucasus.

Loosestrifes meet the leaves creeping on the ground or with high upright, leaved, escapes. Flowers at a plant of usually yellow color, but happen views with white flowers, small campaniform, are collected in pyramidal inflorescences. Inflorescences quite large also occupy nearly a half of an upper part of escape.

Cultivation of a loosestrife

Cultivation of a loosestrife is widespread in decorative gardening. Preferential gardeners grow up a loosestrife of three types – monetchaty, dot and ordinary.

Upright stalks have a dot and ordinary loosestrife. The loosestrife ordinary is quite high plant, its height can reach one and a half meters. Has inflorescences yellow, in the form of whisks. The dot loosestrife is approximately twice lower also than its inflorescence, connecting together, form a verticil of 4 pieces. These species of plants love wet solar places and well trained soil. At observance of these conditions of a plant will blossom on an extent of all summer period.

The Monetchaty loosestrife has escapes creeping, in length not exceeding half-meter. Inflorescences are quite large, grow from sheet bosoms. This species of a plant is very unpretentious and drought-resistant, quickly expands and perfectly feels in a half-shade or a shadow.

Useful properties of a loosestrife

In traditional medicine the loosestrife ordinary, thanks to the high content of ascorbic acid and saponins most was widely adopted. The Monetchaty loosestrife known also under the name tea meadow, is used in the form of tincture at some diseases.

The plant has a set of useful properties in medicine: the anesthetic knitting, styptic and wound healing. However in official medicine medicinal properties of this plant are not applied. But they found the application in traditional medicine and homeopathy.В народной медицине Вербейник используют для приготовления чая

In traditional medicine it is used for elimination of symptoms of internal bleeding and a diarrhea. The healing property of tea from this plant is applied to treatment of long not healing and purulent wounds, and also at the milkwoman, eczema and stomatitis.

The loosestrife contains carbohydrates, tannins, Rutinum, saponins and silicon acid. During blossoming the plant contains a large amount of ascorbic acid.

The plant is collected together with roots and dried up in not solar well aired rooms. The grass is used for tea preparation. Leaves and flowers fray and do of them mix which is applied to treatment of abscesses. Also on wounds impose fresh leaves of a plant. Do powder which is used as wound healing and an anesthetic of roots of a plant.

Contraindications to use of a loosestrife

It is forbidden to use a loosestrife at the increased coagulability of blood, and also at such diseases as an angiosclerosis of extremities, varicosity, thrombosis. At a hypertension it is also contraindicated. Broths of a plant cannot be given for treatment of dry cough at children.

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