Main > Drugs> Verrukatsid


Application instruction:

The prices in Internet drugstores:

from 198 rub.

ВеррукацидStructure: Active agents: phenol – 588 mg, metacresol – 392 mg.

Excipients: alcohol (ethanol) of 95% 10 mg, the water purified to 1 g.

Recommendations about use

Веррукацид® it is intended only for external use and it is used according to the recommendation of the doctor.

Drug is applied precisely on the processed site with the special applicator, without allowing hit it on the neighboring sites and mucous membranes. Apply on small papillomas (up to 2 mm in size) and threadlike warts of Verrukatsid® once. Larger papillomas and small warts (the size of 2-3 mm) grease with drug 3-4 times, doing breaks for drying of the applied liquid. Warts more than 3 mm in size process Веррукацидом® 7-10 times with an interval of 3-4 minutes.

Before removal of Verrukatsidom® of warts on brushes with a dense keratosic surface, bottom warts, dry callosities it is necessary to eliminate horn stratifications from their surface. For this purpose at several o'clock apply keratolytic ointment (10-15% salicylic ointment, etc.), covering the site with compresseal paper or a polyethylene film and over them a gauze bandage. Sticking up by an adhesive plaster is possible. Then the bandage or an adhesive plaster are removed, skin is steamed out in hot water with addition of soap and soda within 10-15 minutes and delete horn stratifications (cut off cuticle scissors or nippers). Apply on the dried skin of Verrukatsid® 7-8 times, doing 3-4 minute breaks for drug drying. 3-4 times with an interval of 3-4 minutes are enough to process keratomas and dry callosities.

Sharp-pointed condylomas are not recommended to be deleted independently, their processing of Verrukatsidom® is carried out in a room for medical procedures by the dermatologist or the urologist. Веррукацид® apply on each element separately 1-2 times at an interval of 3-4 minutes. Repeated processing is carried out if necessary in 6-8 days after falling away of a crust. Repetition of the procedure 3-4 times is allowed.

It is not necessary to apply Verrukatsid® to children of younger age and pregnant women; in the period of a lactation it is not recommended to delete the educations located on mammary glands and hands.

It is impossible to allow hits of drug on mucous membranes, especially on a mucous membrane of an eye. If it occurs, to immediately wash out eyes a large amount of water. At hit of drug on surrounding healthy sites of skin it is recommended to erase it dry fabric and to grease skin with a thick layer of fat ointment (for example, vaseline). At development of a burn to apply antiburn means, for example, of ointment Radevit® or Видестим®. In order to avoid burns it is not recommended to process leather in the field of folds (axillary hollows, under mammary glands at women, inguinal folds, skin between fingers of feet). Washing by water in the first day after processing inadmissibly.

Prof. V. I. Albanov

The prices in Internet drugstores:

Name of drug



Verrukatsid solution for external use of 2 g

198 rub.

Аптека вер.ру, ОООApteka вер.ру, LLC

Verrukatsid solution for plank beds. примен 2 g for удал.бородавок and papillomas, Retinoids (г.Москва)

217 rub.

Сеть московских аптек ИФКNetwork of the Moscow drugstores of IFC
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